Saturday, October 28, 2023

Only at WEJB/NSU: Deutschland Password, with Adolf Ludden as host—Allen’s Evil Twin Brother—and Guests Mel Brooks, Elke Sommer, Adolf Eichmann IV and Natasha Hoess!

[“The Word is ‘Schadenfreude.’”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, october 28, 2023 at 12:11:00 a.m. edt

Reminds me of Deutschland Password, with Adolf Ludden as host—Allen’s Evil Twin Brother from a Fräulein mother.

Announcer: Here’s the star of our show, Adolf Ludden.

Ludden: Danke, everyone, and we are joined tonight by famous Jew, Mel Brooks, and German goddess, Elke Sommer (applause). Your playing partners are Adolf Eichmann IV and Natasha Hoess.

(Crowd applauds.)

Brooks: I’m feeling a little uncomfortable.

Ludden (putting on a mustache): No reason for any trepidation, Mr. Brooks—now ACHTUNG, let’s play Deutschland Password. Here’s your first word.

Announcer: The password is Holocaust (ding).

Brooks: Wait a minute, what kind of game is this? I’m not playing a game with a word like this in it.

Ludden: Ten points, please give a clue to Adolf Eichmann IV, Mr. Brooks.

Brooks: All right, uhh...genocide.

Eichmann: I’m drawing ze blank...

Brooks: Oh, come on, your great-grandfather was in on it wayyy over his swastika.

Eichmann: Nein, I do not know (beep beep).

Ludden: Elke? Nine points.

Elke: Fiction.

Hoess: Holocaust (ding, ding, ding).


Ludden: Correct!!! Nine points for Elke and Natasha.

Brooks: That’s outrageous—everything on this show is tasteless and pure Third Reich propaganda.

Ludden (combs his hair back): Here’s the next word.

Announcer: The password is Auschwitz (ding).

Ludden: Ten points, Adolf.

Eichmann: Spa.

Brooks: This better not be Auschwitz (ding, ding, ding!).

Are YOU KIDDING ME? I’m leaving.

Ludden: Oh no you’re not—GUARDS!!! I’m kidding! It’s only a game, Mr. Brooks, please sit down and finish it—please.

Brooks: I just remembered, I have a plane flight in 20 minutes, gotta go.


Ludden: Well, time’s up, anyway, for today. Until next time—auf Wiedersehen.



  1. It's over already? We aren't going to see Elke Sommer play in the Lightning Blonde, er, I mean the Lightning Round?

  2. Mel did come up with "Springtime for Hitler"

  3. Lol.Thanks for viewing."Deutschland Password" now has better ratings than the Frasier reboot.


  4. I doubt Mel could make a "musical" with such a title anymore.
