Tuesday, October 31, 2023

"a man prohibited from owning a gun allegedly held up a rifle and said, 'say hello to my little friend' before firing into an apartment wall, killing a boy and injuring [sic] his brother..."

By R.C.

"a man prohibited from owning a gun allegedly held up a rifle and said, 'say hello to my little friend' before firing into an apartment wall, killing a boy and injuring his brother, according to documents the 8 news now investigators obtained monday. Earl...



  1. That's what his minority cell mate will be saying to him also--many times a day."Little" being relative.


  2. OH, this is Scarface! The ending scene.

  3. The sheer stupidity of gun control laws: a thug is going to murder someone and doesn't let the laws against murder bother him, but somehow, brain dead leftists argue that they will obey gun control laws. As for mass shootings, two ways to prevent them: one, stop putting kids on drugs--again and again we find that mass shooters were put on drugs to make them pay attention in school. Two: armed people can shoot back and not be victims--how many of the mass shootings are in stupid "gun free zones" which means that law-abiding people won't be able to defend themselves?
