Sunday, September 24, 2023

Zelensky, Trudeau honor actual third reich nazi with standing ovation

By R.C.
sunday, september 24, 2023 at 06:05:26 p.m. edt

"Zelensky, Trudeau honor actual third reich nazi with standing ovation"

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

N.S.: No extra "y"s for Zelensky or his wife. They'll have to make do with the G.I. alphabet.


  1. Did the two of them do the Hitler jig?I hear its the new trendy dance among "elite" globalists.

    When I got my first World Book Encyclopedia in the late 60s,there was a pic of Hitler"dancing a happy jig" after a military victory.

    Somehow,I can imagine these two dunces imitating that dance.


  2. Ukrainian volunteers more pro-Ukrainian and anti Soviet than pro-Nazi. When thrown a rope when drowning don't ask if the rope clean or dirty.

    The rope we all acknowledge as dirty that we can agree upon.

  3. I honestly doubt either of the two, Trudeau and Zelensky had a clue at that exact moment who was being honored.
