Friday, September 22, 2023

Who is Russell Brand, and why has a wave of me-tooers charged him with being a serial rapist?

By N.S.

He’s allegedly a comedian. According to the hollywood reporter, he used to post videos at youtube, but once the dnc me-tooers convicted him in the court of public opinion, youtube evicted him. He is now available only at rumble. However, yours truly cannot access Russell Brand at rumble, because it has blocked me from joining.

Why did rumble do this? Had I made pro-Nazi posts? No. I had never posted anything there, never commented, or even up or downvoted anyone else. You have to join before you can do that, and when I tried to join (on August 2), in order to comment and vote on comments on a virtual gang attack on a White woman who had objected to an obnoxious, massive pool party being held, in violation of house rules in her housing complex, I was blocked. I tried over 30 different names, with different symbols, letters, and numbers, but every time, the software automatically told me my password was “already taken.”

the hollywood reporter: “‘Before any of the reports hit, Brand jumped ahead of the press and shared a video in which he categorically denied any claims of non-consensual encounters, claiming that it was all part of coordinated media attacks. “These allegations pertain to the time when I was working in the mainstream, when I was in the newspapers all the time, when I was in the movies, and as I’ve written about extensively in my books, I was very, very promiscuous,” he said. “Now during that time of promiscuity, the relationships I had were absolutely always consensual. I was always transparent about that then — almost too transparent — and I’m being transparent about it now.”

It doesn’t matter if Russell Brand is a good democrat. He’s a man, presumably rich, and a public figure. If he were broke, the feminazis would have ignored him. As a puerto rican neighbor, who is an apartment building super remarked to me rhetorically about a year ago, “How come it’s never a super?”

Waves of charges of rape or sexual harassment against a White man entertainment figure are usually organized by a single lawyer and the dnc. Recall the me-too accusations and lawsuits against Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, and fox news. They were organized by feminazi dnc attorney Lisa Bloom (daughter of feminazi lawyer Gloria Allred), who had also put her name on a ghost-written book promoting the Trayvon Martin Hoax. Of course, such dnc/lawyer/msm campaigns go back, at least to (I was going to say the Clarence Thomas debacle) the washington post’s watergate conspiracy.


  1. Comedians aren't what they used to be,in fact,they're close to being extinct.


  2. Tips from the "Afterlife stars" about how to avoid accusations like this one:
    Dean Martin:Get 'em drunk,so they don't remember a thing years later.

    Don Rickles:Do what Frank(Sinatra) would do--threaten the family.

    Frank Sinatra:Do what Rickles did--call me up and have me threaten the family.


  3. A better solution is don't engage in casual sex. Find a good woman and marry her. Some find they need to find a foreign woman because so many American women are leftist nut jobs. Just be sure the woman isn't after your money or a green card. And please, for the good of your country, do not bring back a leftist who will vote Democrat when she becomes a citizen. I married a foreign woman whom my sister introduced me to when she was living in Europe. I knew she wasn't after my money because I only had $200 in the bank. I knew she wasn't after a green card because she wanted me to live in her country. And I knew she wasn't a future Democrat because she told me she hated communists. Three decades later it was the right choice--we are still in love.
