Sunday, September 17, 2023

university fired racist professor for research hoaxes inciting genocidal hatred against Whites, thanks, in part, to Pickett's Charge; but what about the thousands of other racist, sexist hoaxers?

Justin Pickett, presently at suny albany

By N.S.

"anti-White academic whose research ‘proved’ systemic racism is fired from university for faking data"

florida state university black supremacist hoaxer Eric Stewart was exposed, in part, by a White man


  1. That's Gary Coleman as Eric Stewart."Whatchoo talkin' 'bout,Willis?I didn't fake no data."

    Now that Whitman Mayo is successfully portraying Cornel West,other negroes of 70s tv are apparently attempting a comeback.

    Coleman's choice is very obscure however.


  2. "His work had been cited by other research in an astounding 8,500 occasions, according to Google Scholar"

    This colored boy Stewart the researcher his "research" cited by many. All fraud. He also got very big bucks provided to do his research.

  3. This Pickett too guilty of "data irregularities". OH, nothing more than that.

    This negress Hannah Jones of the 1619 Project spouts a lot of Black Muslim language and beliefs. She must be a researcher and scholar too.

  4. Wilson Pickett. "Land of a Thousand Dances."

  5. "He also got very big bucks provided to do his research."

    He committed fraud. Ask for your money back. How funny as if anyone would ever think they would see a penny.
