Monday, September 25, 2023

nation of islam and new york post favorite mayor Eric Adams to spend staggering extra $1B on hotels alone to shelter new foreign criminals for three more years

By N.S.

"nyc now preparing to spend staggering extra $1B on hotels alone to shelter migrants [sic] for three more years"

"Why are we extending this contract for three years? It sends the message of not wanting to reduce this migrant population," said Nicole Gelinas.


  1. Build new hotels so they can say wetbacks=jobs.Move the entire Central and South American population--plus Mexico--into the U.S.--plenty of room(sarcasm)--especially nyc,washington,detroit,st.louis,atlanta,chicago,dallas,l.a.

    El Sardinos.


  2. The right questions to ask are: What's going on with their applications for asylum? How are those being processed? How long is it going to take? What are the decision making criteria? What reasons for requesting asylum are they giving?

    Details for every one of these people could be made public, and this could be done more or less anonymously so no NGO ambulance chasers could complain about a violation of rights or privacy. The GOP ought to demand this kind of transparency. It is more or less the same as an FOI request. Obviously a lot of public money is being spent.

    But the GOP is faux opposition. It is full of people who are stupid and incompetent.

    Instead there will be more screeching about "illegals" or "foreign criminals", when there is nothing illegal going on. Some of them may be "criminals" back where they came from, but assuming their identities are known, that kind of info can also be requested. Is the Biden admin requesting background info on these people from their home countries?

  3. Can't people just take them into their homes to live with them for a while? NYC a sanctuary city after all.

  4. Only three more years, mr. mayor? So cruel! Take the long view if you want to force out that gillewhiteybrand and grab that senate seat for yourself. mcconnell would open with a bid of five years support, schumer would tell the press seven years support, your staff issues a press release demanding ten years to make yourself look like you care, durbin in committee will cross out the number and make it fifteen, and in practice it will be forever.


    GRA:He should be impeached and removed on this issue alone.He is not defending the country from invasion.

    (ZH) Biden fought to end Title 42, which was the only legal recourse keeping abuse of the asylum option in check. Biden has filed a lawsuit asking courts to stop Texas efforts to fence off the Rio Grande with bright orange razor wire buoys, which have proven very effective. Biden and Democrats have tried to stop Texas Governor Greg Abbott from relocating migrants to blue leaning "sanctuary cities" (they've been given a taste of their own medicine and they don't like it). Biden has ordered border patrol agents to "process" illegal immigrants for asylum status, instead of using their energies to send them packing back across the border. And, Biden has ordered those same agents to open border fences against the wishes of state governments so that migrants can easily pass through.

    Now, it appears the White House is taking things a step further, ordering border patrol to cut barbed wire fences put in place by Texas DPS as the only effective means for preventing mass migrations. They are actively welcoming in large groups of illegals and opening a path for them.

    GRA:His entire administration must be removed--starting with him.


  6. "What's going on with their applications for asylum? How are those being processed? How long is it going to take? "

    Just with the current batch that have arrived about ten years before a hearing with a judge. That is the rate given the number of administrative judges already working.

    Normally you are given a notice to appear in court for your hearing in ninety days. About 80 % of the illegals skip out on the court date.
