Wednesday, September 27, 2023

“multiculturalism has failed”; that sounds familiar

[“uk home secretary declares: ‘multiculturalism has failed,’ ‘toxic’ for europe.”]

By N.S.

When I read those words, I thought to myself, That sounds familiar.

It was a dodge that crypto-communist german chancellor Angela Merkel used, while she set about destroying Germany.

“Angela Merkel, Communism, and ‘Hitler’s Revenge’” (“Is the Final Solution to the German Question at Hand?”

Multiculturalism is a totalitarian policy designed to destroy White countries. Ergo, what does it even mean to say that it has failed? That the country in question remained White?


  1. What does it mean?It means--to me--that someone,a White person,has come to their senses about this insanity.Whites have got to stop bending over--all across the globe.


  2. Tens of millions of Europeans know already. But that is a taboo topic. You must not talk about it.
