Thursday, September 14, 2023

Mark Steyn on "the craphole of American 'justice'"

By An Old Friend
thursday, september 14, 2023 at 01:33:52a.m. edt

Mark Steyn on "the craphole of American 'justice'"

John Derbyshire wrote that nobody can improve on Steyn, and Steyn quotes Derb on the point.

It's true.  Amazingly, Steyn wrote this while convalescing in Trieste from complications of his two heart attacks earlier this year (late last year?).

(If the Steyn article below gets you fired up in some sense, that'll be a prime time to read this one that followed a few days later: )

The Real New


by Mark Steyn
Steyn on America
September 8, 2023


  1. Not normal but now has become normal. And all for the bad too. Will become institutionalized. The type of thing the Banana Republic nations always were noted for has come home.

  2. No it is not normal--we are in the midst of a totalitarian revolution. If nothing is done, future elections will all be corrupt and the government will oppress and imprison all opposition. The days of freedom will be over. In addition, the elites will continue to trash the economy with "green" nonsense and reduce the prosperity of ordinary people until we are serfs struggling to survive. "Conservatives" trash Trump because he is not perfect, but who else is there who is not afraid to fight and who actually has a chance of being elected? Don't tell me Desantis--he cannot win and he voted for the Trans Pacific Partnership--he is onboard with the globalists. The same is true for that Indian scam artist. The choice is clear--if Trump doesn't win there will be no one to fight the totalitarians on the left--and anyone who objects to the leftist agenda will be putting their lives at risk.

  3. Watch what they do to Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesboro to find out what they'll do to Trump in this case.I predict Powell and Chesboro will receive 3 years minimum--possible early release--but the point of this is to stifle opposition,free speech and protests by Whites.The charges for 1/6ers and so called fake election believers are being exaggerated in order to deter future similar activity.

    It must be working because no one is putting boots on the ground to support Trump,Powell or the rest.Not yet anyways



    (CNN)Three men were acquitted Friday on all charges against them in connection to allegations that they were involved in a 2020 plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

    Eric Molitor, William Null and Michael Null were each acquitted on one count of providing material support for a terrorist act and possessing a firearm when committing or attempting to commit a felony.

    Prosecutors alleged the men targeted the Democratic governor’s northern Michigan vacation cottage and conducted surveillance of her home.

    Molitor and the Null brothers, visibly emotional hearing the jury’s verdict in a Michigan courtroom, are the last of a group of 14 prosecuted in state and federal courts in connection to the plot.

    Eight men were charged on the state level and another six were indicted on federal charges in 2020. Ultimately, nine were convicted or pleaded guilty in the case, and five were acquitted.

    Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said the government’s efforts in the case “undoubtedly saved lives.”

    “While today’s verdicts are not what we hoped for, the successes we have achieved throughout these cases, in both state and federal courts, sends a clear message that acts of domestic terrorism will not be tolerated in our state,” Nessel said in a statement Friday.

    Authorities have alleged that, in 2020, the men charged in the case conspired with others to “unlawfully seize, kidnap, abduct and carry away, and hold for ransom and reward” Whitmer. Authorities have said the men were planning to kidnap the Democratic governor from a vacation home and blow up a bridge to delay law enforcement, but they were arrested first.

    Defense attorneys in the case have at times maintained an entrapment defense, arguing that the FBI coerced the defendants to drive the plot forward through a collection of undercover agents and confidential informants.

    Adam Fox, the man whom authorities said was the leader of the plot, was sentenced in December to 16 years in prison.




    (ZH)An armed man was taken into police custody outside an event where Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was scheduled to speak at Wilshire Ebell Theatre in Los Angeles on Sept. 15, 2023. (Provided to The Epoch Times)

    The Los Angeles Police Department told The Epoch Times it received a call at around 4:30 p.m. reporting that a male was in front of the event venue with "a badge on their lapel, a gun, and a shoulder holster, and claimed to be a U.S. Marshal."

    A spokesperson for Mr. Kennedy Jr. confirmed the incident to The Epoch Times. Mr. Kennedy Jr. had not arrived at the venue yet when the incident occurred.

    According to the LAPD, the man reportedly claimed to be employed for the event, but he wasn't recognized by the security staff.

    GRA:Sirhan Jr.?

