Wednesday, September 13, 2023

false rumor about Martin Scorcese

By N.S.

Martin Scorcese is one of the most overrated White directors of the past 50 years. He confuses his own glibness with "irony."


  1. Stephanie Zacharek may have written the most ridiculous first paragraph about the color,"blue",in biographical history.Can a person be so self absorbed with their own writing ability that it takes us,the reader, three minutes to figure out the essay IS about Martin Scorsese and not one of the primary colors?

    I barely made it to the rest of the story,forcing myself to do so,mostly out of curiousity to see what Zacharak's point was in undertaking this project--to wax philosophic about "the different shades of blue" or attempt a pompous overview of Scorsese's films.

    Neither. It turned out to be how Zacharek could surround the one salient fact she presents--that this director is 80 years old--with a compendium of verbs,nouns,adjectives and adverbs which lead us no where and got me to stop reading the thing about a quarter of the way through.

    She IS impressed with herself though--as a writer--which she makes clear.Why she brought Martin Scorsese into the mix,is another matter entirely.


  2. 80 years old and he's making the 10,000th movie about Evil White People and "racism" against the Indians? I just watched a Tom Mix serial from 1935 and it was about the same thing, though hardly as pretentious. (It wasn't called "racism"- a term invented by the Communists- then, it was just about unscrupulous people exploiting the less fortunate, which has occurred throughout history and among all peoples. And HE- a rather privileged White man- finds to his horror that he's making the story too much about White men? What a despicable, pompous ass! AND he's still giving work to DeNiro despite the latter's despicable public behavior and distinct lack of box office appeal? (Well, DiCaprio is scum as well but people apparently like him.) The imbecilic John Nolte over at Breitbart wrote about this and I was going to link to it, but this post seems to save me the trouble- Nolte fawns over Scorsese even though being anti-White is the death-knell as far as I'm concerned. I do have a question though- Nolte describes Scorsese as having a SEVENTEEN-YEAR "dry spell" of lousy movies- like Woody Allen, HOW does this guy keep getting funding to make movies when almost all of them are money losers? Even in his best years, his films were minor-league grossers- I remember well that "Cape Fear" (which I despised) was his FIRST box office hit- and that was in 1991! Sorry for the long rant- RM

  3. jerry pdx
    Scorsese has at least, made some good moveies but as a White hating movie director, he's got some competition coming up from Quentin Tarentino, who is even more overrated than he is. Tarentino hasn't built the resume of Scorsese, but in another 25 yrs., who knows? I tried watching Tarantino's virtue signaling to the nth degree Django but couldn't get through it. Complete shyte. I could almost forgive him for his sins for the hilarious line: "Dead nigger storage" from the otherwise wildly overrated Pulp fiction but an occasional flash of amusing writing doesn't excuse all the crap he has inflicted on the movie watching world. Only the Kill Bill Series, which was coincidentally free of the usual White hating crap, was enjoyable to me all the way through.

  4. Thinking it over, Scorsese's conception was probably that the Indian characters and culture were the real heart of the story, and not the cliche "White guy" protagonists. So he's probably not anti-White, though his clumsy expression of his idea made it seem that way (and he IS a bleeding-heart liberal, and a snob to boot). My favorite Scorsese movie is one no one ever mentions: AFTER HOURS. A perfect story, very original, some black humor but nothing offensive, no over-the-top violence or deranged characters (and no DeNiro, thank God!). -RM
