Wednesday, September 06, 2023

"‘completely inappropriate’: cultural awareness and diversity teacher steps down after she is accused of writing n-word on seating chart next to black middle school student’s name"

By R.C.
wednesday, september 6, 2023 at 04:21:16 p.m. edt

"‘completely inappropriate’: cultural awareness and diversity teacher steps down after she is accused of writing n-word on seating chart next to black middle school student’s name"

Sticks and stones may….


  1. Well you can't call him "boy"--that's gender inappropriate.Screwed either way.


  2. Now that is hilarious. Cultural awareness and diversity teacher writes that--is she an idiot?

  3. jerry pdx
    Headlines implied it was a "diversity" teacher? What does that mean? One that teaches the subject or is "diverse" themself? Article did not say if the teacher was black, or another minority. There was a hispanic kid that saw the slur written down but I wonder if they read it right, or saw what they wanted to see. Did anybody actually find the offending word written down? If the teacher was black, then how is this a racist incident? Blacks use the word all the time between themselves and it's OK. Again, another fact challenged article just creating an "impression".
