Wednesday, September 27, 2023

city journal has deleted me

By N.S.

Jack Cashill on White Flight

Nicholas Stix a month ago Removed

As left-libertarian New York writer Sidney Zion (1933-2009) used to say, “It’s the two parties against the people.”

Since The War, democrats and republicans alike, though for different reasons, have united to destroy, first, the White working class, and then, the White middle class, as well.

They cost White homeowners trillions of dollars (adjusted for inflation) when they “integrated” their neighborhoods and schools, forcing them to leave, if they didn’t want their families robbed, raped, maimed and murdered. And then they pick pocketed Whites out of additional tens of trillions of dollars, for welfare boondoggles for black criminals.

The ruling elites turned over 100 million Whites into tax slaves, and now it’s on to the Holocaust II of the White Genocide Project.

For roughly 60 years, the gop has been completely reliant on the White vote, and yet it has never done anything to help ordinary Whites. The President acted as if he cared about ordinary Whites… until he got elected, at which point he revealed himself to be just another republican, prematurely releasing black felons from prison, and offering a “platinum plan” for black supremacists.

Now, he’s up to his old tricks.

Every year, corrupt, racist police, prosecutors, judges and juries issue racist, black thugs free crimes by the millions, while railroading more and more innocent Whites.

But don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that all blacks are evil, it’s just that the bad 95% make the good 5% look bad.

And yet, I look forward to reading Jack Cashill’s new book. That’s because though I have no hope that it will bring about change, he’s one of the few legitimate journalists (and now historians) left in “America,” and because the truth is a good, in and of itself.

N.S.: I got two upvotes, including from the following man. So, initially, the cj gauleiter permitted people to read my comment. But not for long.

Alexbensky a month ago

Many years ago I was a young lawyer picking up crummy little criminal cases in Detroit and young as I was I figured if you had a black client get blacks on the jury, they’ll be sympathetic.

Then one day I had a black client on some charge like purse snatching and the jury was mostly middle-class blacks. The jury filed in and looked at my client and I could tell they were thinking, “If he didn’t steal that lady’s purse he stole someone else’s.” I asked court veterans and they said no,, jurors from parts of the county might be able to stand back and see the matter objectively.

This was a long time ago and prosecutors tell me that they have had open and shut cases against black defendants and the black jury lets the guy off, often in such short order that they couldn’t have deliberated on the evidence.

The prosecutor with whom I spoke said that while her boss does look at won-loss records he understands this happens and on occasion when she loses what should be a winning case he looks over what she did and then tells her if the jury wants this guy back on the street that’s the jury’s problem.

I stoutly disagree with your charge that 95% of blacks are problematic. Most are not but they’re caught up in a system that is dangerous and corrosive and there are too many people who have an interest in it staying that way.

N.S.: “Caught up in a system”? What on Earth does that mean? I’ve heard black supremacists say the same thing, in alibiing for black criminals. “She got caught up in the system.”


  1. The White people USA have needed a champion. You might have thought you had one in Don but you see what has been done to him and continues to be done.

  2. Jack looks pretty fit for 75.He's one of the last of the dinosaurs who will be allowed to tell it like it is(on some scale).Phil Mushnick is another,though his potential audience is wider.I haven't looked up what Phil has been expounding on lately.I wonder if his freedom of speech has been reigned in or not.

