Thursday, August 24, 2023

u.s. says russian surface-to-air missile took out Wagner plane, but whodunnit & is Prigozhin really dead?

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, august 24, 2023 at 12:08:00 p.m. edt

u.s. says russian surface-to-air missile took out Wagner plane, but whodunnit & is Prigozhin really dead?

GRA: That’s the zh headline, which you can only read if you pay for it. I’d say, he’s either dead physically (90% probability) or politically (5% chance in prison, 5% chance of being on the greek island he was initially reported as having been deported to.)

Neutralized, in other words.



  1. This event let me predict will become the source of endless conspiracy theory far into the future. The plane spontaneously blew up from mechanical trouble. It was a bomb onboard. It was Putin who ordered the event. It was angry Wagnerites. It was a missile. It was a missile from the ground. It was a missile fired from a plane. Prigozhin was on the manifest but not on board. The remains are not his. DNA must be done. More DNA must be done. A man greatly resembling Yevgeniyy has been seen a number of times dining at a Burger King restaurant in Irkutsk. Etc. Endlessly.

  2. "has been seen a number of times dining at a Burger King restaurant in Irkutsk."

    Elvis has been seen a number of time in the Burger King, Kalamazoo MI. So it is reputed.
    Elvis was noted for his insatiable craving for Whoppers.
