Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The current significance of President Trump and the gop

By Nicholas Stix

I responded to a weak blog item by my old vdare colleague, Steve Sailer (2004-2012), “can republicans stop playing Charlie Brown?,” who is in a slump lately. Hopefully, he’ll rouse himself. Prayers may be required. (And for Mark Steyn, certainly. You know I’m not a religious man, so if I’m praying for people, things have to be bad.)

It doesn’t matter who the gop sends up in 2024. Nationally, we’re a one-party dictatorship. The Big Steal of 2020 will be followed by The Big Steal of 2024.

Trump was the last chance to save the 50-state America, but he turned out to be a conman who only talks about the things patriots care about—secure borders, deporting foreign criminal invaders—when he’s out of power. He had a chance to stop the unconstitutional changes to the voting laws in the states, but he did nothing.

And he’s not going to change for the better, but it doesn’t matter anymore.

The only hope is for “America” to break up, with some new, independent countries that are overwhelmingly White, while others are left behind which are overwhelmingly non-White. That goal may be aided by brics’ destruction of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. However, secessionist areas are going to have to develop alternatives to the u.s. dollar. To the degree that there are alternative currencies, Washington will lose power.


  1. Nicholas,

    I've been thinking along the same lines. A recent poll shows Trump is sinking with White voters and his supposed "rise" with blacks won't make up the difference.

    Trump can't run for president while under multiple indictments, even if he and his supporters are too stupid to realize it.

    Trump and his boosters at places like The Conservative Treehouse are always claiming Trump is going to make a master stroke which will "destroy the libs." This has been promised since 2015 and never happens.

    The latest such was the press conference Trump scheduled after the Atlanta indictment. It was canceled. Trump's attorneys finally got through to him he had to shut up. And that he was this close to going to jail.

  2. Watch the jack offs push Tim Scott to go against Biden.What a statement that would be(they think).Just as Biden was handpicked over Sanders in 2020,if Trump is convicted(trial in Georgia is one day before Super Tuesday),the guy the GOP goes for wouldn't be DeSantis or the Indian,it'd be Scott,imho,figuring blacks would vote in enough numbers FOR Scott(just because he's black)to make him the first Republican negro POTUS.

    If those two are running,I stay home.


  3. I used to be a huge fan of Steve Sailer, but no more. Either he doesn't understand that the 2020 election was stolen or is afraid to say so. Same thing with the clot shot--I saw a piece some time ago in which he apparently thinks the shot actually works! Again, is he this clueless or is he afraid to enrage the establishment?

  4. [who is in a slump lately. Hopefully, he’ll rouse himself.]

    Uhh, since you've been following him in some sense for a long time now, you must have noticed how ideologically vacuous he is, right? He puts out a lot of garbage, little better than clickbait, in between asking for donations to continue his "wryly detached" nothing burger posting.

    That is not going to change. So you can stop "hoping". You never understood him correctly. It takes a while. But at some point, it ought to dawn on you that he does not really stand for anything.

    The same is roughly true of Brimelow. When the NYT called him a white nationalist, he could have used the occasion to explain there is nothing wrong, politically or morally, with being a white nationalist. With wanting the US to remain majority white. The Japanese want Japan to stay Japanese right? It's normal. Instead he sued.

  5. January 2025: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on the short end of a 336-99 result vows to "hold Democrats accountable". And blames MAGA for never having accepted the convention's compromise unity candidate and being a no-show on election day.

  6. "Nationally, we’re a one-party dictatorship."

    Correct. I am not sure about nationally but least it is so in states like CA, NY, IL. One party super-majority rule that is authoritarian bordering on totalitarian.
