Monday, August 21, 2023

Technical Difficulties

monday, august 21, 2023 at 11:50:14 p.m. edt

Technical Difficulties

Dear Mr. Stix,

I suppose you've already heard from lots of readers about this problem, but in case you haven't, the links to comments to stories on your website don't work. When you click on them to read or to make comments, nothing happens. I've tried to do so using different browsers with no success.

Sincerely yours,

A Longtime Reader

Thank you for alerting me to this. You were the first reader to let me know. I have been careful about posting material full of "fruit salad," but I am also aware that my google minder has returned to making mischief.


  1. I've found ways to navigate around it.I figure sooner or later it will go back to normal.It's always that story in the upper right hand corner that's an indicator.


  2. "the links to comments to stories on your website"


  3. I frequently find that not only do clicks on links not work, but also clicks on comments do not let me read the comments or leave comments. Another frequent problem is the right hand of columns is cut off so you cannot finish reading sentences and can only guess what the final words are.

  4. Actually,on my cellphone the site always works fine,just my tablet where it's noticeable.


  5. jerry pdx
    "the links to comments to stories on your website"


    Don't be a grammar nazi, we know what he meant, it's a comments field not a college thesis.

    We've already got one of those here and it's damned annoying, we don't need another.

    Leave that to the woke, we should be better than that nonsense.

    This comment bug happens all the time to me and I can't go back and look at past comments unless I go to the sidebar, but sometimes that disappears also. Deliberate behind the scenes mischief? Wouldn't surprise me.
