Friday, August 04, 2023

Race and Collective Suicide (Graphic)

Re-posted by N.S. (Thanks to Glaivester--where art thou, Brother?!)


  1. I've said it often about insanity(or lack of awareness,not caring,in denial) as excuses of why Whites are allowing the past 50 years to swallow them up like the whale got Jonah.
    Afraid of confrontation is another.Weighing the idea that allowing minority takeover is less bloody than a civil war,is another tactical choice,though the current war is more drawn out.

    I said the other day,Whites don't like what's happening,but because fighting back against blacks is grounds for a hate crime charge or job loss,Whites MOVE.

    And that's the way it is.


  2. Santiago Mayer

    "Santiago Mayer (He/Him) is an 21 year old political commentator and the founder of Voters Of Tomorrow. Since 2019, Santiago has also served as Voters Of Tomorrow's Executive Director.

    Since moving from Mexico to the United States in 2017, Santiago has been heavily involved in American politics. He has participated in several political campaigns and interned for several elected officials.

    In the 2020 cycle, Santiago volunteered for the Biden/Harris campaign to help mobilize young voters. He also co-founded Prom At The Polls, a non-partisan initiative meant to energize first-time voters who lost their senior prom due to the COVID-19 pandemic."

    Could be a fag.

    Could also be a Jew.

    Might be worth looking into "Voters Of Tomorrow". Who gives them money.

  3. "The very notion is fundamentally insane."

    Why should whites have to live among people that hate them so bad? They should not have to.


    Carlee Russell doesn’t owe us anything
    OPINION: We should be thankful Carlee Russell returned home to her family alive. That’s it.

    Monique Judge
    Jul 18, 2023

    GRA:Really.How about the tens of thousands of dollars to the taxpayers for starters?In fact,we've never heard a dollar amount of the cost of trying to find Russell,that I know of.

    I didn't print the essay,but monique judge makes her point early then repeats it often--like blacks do.

    If this was a private disappearance,then true,she shouldn't have to explain a thing,but because there was a concerted effort by law enforcement AND citizenry to locate her--Carlee Russell owes us EVERYTHING--including the truth AND money to her city and other investigators.

    negresses like monique judge don't mind blacks lying without repercussions--or committing most criminal acts as well.
    It's the mindset of "black law".

