Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Mark Steyn: "The Danes, Gelded"

By An Old Friend
tuesday, august 29, 2023 at 01:16:14 a.m. edt

Mark Steyn: "The Danes, Gelded"

Steyn has referred to "America's depraved political class," but it's clear that this rating applies across the Western world.  

I hadn't previously heard the news from Denmark that provoked this outing by Steyn:

[N.S.: I'm sorry to hear that Steyn is ailing, and wish him better days: Gute Besserung!]

The Danes, Gelded

by Mark Steyn
Mark's Monday Notebook
August 28, 2023


Then here are comments on the above from members of the Mark Steyn Club, visible online only to us members.  The discussion is generally at a high level, worth reading, or at least sampling:


  1. (Dec 2022)GB News presenter Mark Steyn has revealed that he suffered two heart attacks earlier this month.

    The 63-year-old, who hosts an 8pm show on the network, had a first heart attack without recognising the symptoms just before he went live on air.

    Steyn then suffered a second, more serious heart attack while in France, where he will now remain until he is well enough to travel back to the US in the new year.

    Explaining his absence from GB News of late, he said on his website: "I'm too medicated to manage artful evasions.

    "I had two heart attacks. Because I didn't recognise the first one, as such, the second one was rather more severe."

    He continued: "The good news is that the first one occurred when I was in London. If you get a chance to see that day's Mark Steyn Show, with hindsight, I don't look quite right in close-ups.

    "By not recognising it as a heart attack, I deftly avoided being one of those stories we feature on the show every couple of nights about people in the UK calling emergency and being left in the street for 15 hours before an ambulance shows up.

    "I had a second heart attack in France. With Audrey helping me in the ambulance, she told me I was 15 minutes from death."

    GRA:Nothing on the net about new heart problems.Haven't seen him since I cancelled Fox news years ago.


  2. I don't think it ought to be criminalized, but burning a koran, a holy book of a religion, seems a rather dumb and pointless sort of provocation. Mindlessly dumb. Picture the apes dancing around the obelisk in "2001, A Space Odyssey".

    I can see why authorities would get tired of dealing with the controversy and problems.

    But soon there will probably be AI generated virtual koran burnings. A koran will be burned virtually millions of times a day. YouTube will probably refuse to host virtual koran burnings.

  3. The Danes have been gelded. When you pay the Dane geld . . .

    Dane in on context understand is gold. In the other context having your nuts cut off.

    Very funny.

    That free speech and press idea too is an American import that was never going to last in Europe anyhow.

    The Muslim too does become the head and the Dane becomes the tail.

