Friday, August 04, 2023

Knee-Grow, please! (funny video)

By A.L.

So damned funny!


  1. Hilarious.Reminds me of the old 70s movies like "Tunnelvision" which consisted of a few fake comedy commercials--just like that--and tv show parodies.They edited them together to make a movie creating a bogus network. Before 1975 and SNL.There were one or two other ones around that time too(can't recall them.)

    Those parodies were uncensored.Then SNL came along and showed censored parodies.

    That's your history lesson for today.


  2. "The Groove Tube" was the other flick.


  3. Good natured humor. How many doctors are asked to write a prescription for Knee-Grow?

  4. I might well imagine that many young folks are not even aware of the hidden meaning here. Really do think there is a medication called Knee-Grow.
