Saturday, August 26, 2023

black ohio mother of two, 21, with her third child due in november, thought she had a racial birthright to violate an order of protection, to engage in mob shoplifting, to resist arrest, and to murder policemen

By R.C.

Original title: "The chief did not identify the woman or disclose she was pregnant, but the Franklin County Coroner’s Office identified her as 21-year-old Ta’kiya Young and confirmed she was pregnant." N.S.: “Pregnant woman suspected of shoplifting fatally shot by officer in grocery store parking lot”

Female thought she had a right to shoplift, and a right to murder a policeman FIFY


14 hours ago

“So you have her convicted before any court, hey? Apparently, you grew up in a different country. Here it is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. They killed her without any proof she stole anything.”

9 upvotes, 44 downvotes

N.S.: sharon You don’t get your day in court when you seek to murder someone. What you’re saying is that she had a right to murder the cop, because you denied him the right to shoot her in self-defense.

NetP “Soooo, she deserved to die?”

N.S.: So, she had a right to steal, and a right to murder a policeman?

Brian “Resisting arrest also doesn’t carry a death sentence.”

N.S. Yes, it does. That’s why you must submit.

Attempted murder of a policeman also carries a death sentence.

saturday, august 26, 2023 at 11:26:39 p.m. edt

"the chief did not identify the woman or disclose she was pregnant, but the Franklin county [ohio] coroner's office identified her as 21-year-old Ta'kiya Young and confirmed she was pregnant." This is how food deserts are created.

Too much "shrinkage."

Store will close.

And then the phony clergy plus retarded elected officials will start wailing about "food deserts."



  1. Shooting a pregnant negress?What are the odds of that?That's like shooting a black convict with tattoos.


  2. Uhm ...

    [While Blendon Township officers were helping a driver who was locked out of her car outside a Kroger, a store employee told officers about a theft by someone who was fleeing, the chief said.]

    Cops were already there in the store parking lot to help someone locked out of their car. Store employees approached them about shoplifters.

    Seems more than one shoplifter was involved. Some left already.

    [Store employees later told police that several people had stolen items and fled in cars.]

    A woman suspected of shoplifting was still there:

    [One woman suspected of theft was in a car parked in front of the grocery store, Belford said.]

    Which seems strange.

    [She started the car, and an officer approached on the driver's side and ordered her to get out, the chief said.]

    A cop ordered her to get out but she refuses. The doors are locked. No indication the woman was armed or otherwise a threat. The cop is not in front of the vehicle. Smart cop.

    ["She ignored the order and the other officer came from in front of the car and also ordered the woman to get out of the car,” Belford said. “Despite being ordered to get out of the car more than a dozen times, she refused to do so.”]

    Another cop comes and stands in front of the car. Why? Does it make sense to stand in front of a car with its engine on with a woman inside who is ignoring orders to get out? Someone who is not known to be armed or dangerous? Is that standard procedure? To stand in front of a car?

    [“The woman put the car in gear and accelerated forward. The officer who was directly in the path of the oncoming car fired one shot through the front windshield.”]

    To point out the obvious: if the cop had not been standing in front of the car, he would not have been in any danger when it started moving. So there would have been no immediate reason to shoot the driver.

    [Body camera video shows the officer who fired was directly in the path of the Lexus, Belford said, adding that the department plans to release the video “as soon as the necessary legal redactions can be made."]

    You probably haven't heard the end of this case, depending somewhat on what the body cam shows.

    Without defending the dead woman or her actions, it does not really make sense to stand in front of the car in that situation. It seems there were other ways to handle it rather than for a cops to put himself in a position where he may need to decide whether or not to use deadly force to stop someone only suspected of shoplifting.

    There is no reason to automatically take the side of cops in these shootings.

  3. I'll automatically take the side of the cops.Yes,it appears the cops set up a Kobayashi Maru test for blacks and as blacks do--they failed.

    The test was,as we know:The cop moves in front of the stolen car,with the negress perp in the driver's seat.Does she allow herself to be arrested quietly(the police have her fair and square)or will she yield to black sociopathy and attempt to run over the cop,in order to escape?

    The other option was the black perp putting the car in reverse,giving the cop the dilemma of pursuing/shooting the negress over a stolen car.

    The Admiral Kirk solution would be to bribe the officer to let him go--and in the movies,it would work(maybe real life as well.)

    But the lame brained negress chose the "least likely to be successful" option and was sent for a nig nap.

    This LOOKS like "riot material",where media incites the usual groups around the country to rob and burn their cities.

    "Pregnant black woman murdered by police,"Holt will say.

    The woman decided to play "black lotto" without buying a winning ticket,but in today's pro-black environment,you never know--the fambilee might just become millionaires anyways.


  4. Correction:Not a stolen car,but the rest applies.


  5. WIC benefits! (Women, Infants, and Criminals)

  6. This will only be reported as an unarmed pregnant negress shot and killed for shop lifting. No mention will be made that she made an effort to run the police officer down.

    The policy in Chicago is that cops can only shoot down a person trying to run them over ONLY if shots fired first.

  7. That dozen or so unarmed negroes shot dead in a recent year by the cops at least half of the cases the deceased tried to run the cop over with a vehicle. That is what I remember reading.

  8. "where media incites"

    No reason for the media to incite anything. The facts speak for themselves. There were other ways to handle the situation. A woman who was not known to be armed or dangerous and was *only suspected of shoplifting* was shot to death. By a cop who really should not have been standing in front of the car.

    It would be more understandable if they were attempting to arrest her for a more serious offense. Or if it had been reported she was armed and threatened others.

    You will probably hear more about this case.

    A somewhat similar one from not long ago. A really aggressive and incompetent cop:

    Federal judge refuses to dismiss lawsuit against Pueblo deputy who killed man at middle school -- Deputy Charles McWhorter fatally shot Richard Ward 20 seconds after pulling him out of his vehicle

    It is a mistake to always or automatically take the side of cops in shootings.

  9. It's a bigger mistake to believe a black's side of things--whether it's" I didn't steal no booze" to "I didn't kill nobody."

    And everything in between.


  10. "a black's side of things"

    LOL. That's funny.

    It's not just "a black's side of things" here. There are multiple news stories about what happened. The police admitted the cop was standing in front of the car and that he shot her when she started to drive away. So here it is more about normal objective reality. Is it a "mistake" to go with objective reality?

    Is it a mistake to expect cops to behave reasonably and responsibly, in a way appropriate to the context and circumstances? Here it was just *a suspicion* of shoplifting.

    The victim in Colorado was white. Shot to death in front of his mother by an incompetent, power-tripping cop who needlessly escalated a harmless situation. A simple misunderstanding. The judge basically laughed at the reason they gave for wanting to dismiss the suit. I hope the victim's family wins millions. And the cop should have been fired. At the least.

    1. There are three sides --for most of these types of stories--involving blacks:

      There's the black view of an event,the media's view of an event and the truth.

      We rarely hear the truth until the first two sides' views exhaust the propaganda effect of "the story" and move on.


    2. You point to a JUDGE as an unwoke arbiter of ANY case?Please.I suppose you think the negress judge in the Trump case should be trusted to give fair opinions.

      To not get shot by cops:

      Get out of the effing car when you're told.
      Don't run

      Dont go for the cops taser or gun.

      Don't attempt to run police down.

      Don't reach for anything that the police do not know what "it" is that you're reaching for.

      Cooperate with license,insurance request.

      Note:negroes with warrants will not do any of the above things correctly.They are very likely wanted felons,who must be assumed to want to kill you(the cop) to escape



    (Columbus Dispatch)The shooting, which occurred around 6:20 p.m. Thursday outside the Kroger located at 5991 S. Sunbury Road, is being investigated by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation.

    Belford said in a video statement Friday afternoon that the officers involved are on paid administrative leave while the BCI investigation is ongoing. The officers' names will not be released due to Marsy's Law, Belford said, following similar actions taken by Columbus police and the Franklin County Sheriff's office after recent shootings.

    There is body camera footage of the incident, Belford said, and the police department and BCI are working to process that video and make the necessary redactions required by Marsy's Law. The earliest the video will be released is Monday.



    (’s family told The Columbus Dispatch they have many questions about the shooting, mainly why she was deemed a lethal threat.

    “She stole something from the store,” her grandmother, Nadine Young, told the newspaper. “You didn’t have to shoot the woman; she would have eventually gotten out of the … car. You didn’t have to kill her and the baby.”

    GRA:"She would have eventually gotten out of the car..."

    AFTER she ran the cop down,escaped to wherever her drinking was going to take place(with her kids)--sure--THEN she would have left the vehicle.The "baby" was probably an alcoholic at this point in its gestation period,the mother,obviously believing "a bottle of booze a day--you get a healthy child this way."

    Saved the kid a lot of problems living in that house--and other people--another habitual criminal to deal with

