Thursday, August 31, 2023

Elon Musk and his son, Xavier, are completely estranged: The overpriced, private school he sent the boy to turned him into a communist and a sexual psycho; the young man now claims to be a woman, and hates all rich people

By "W"
thursday, august 31, 2023 at 03:53:34 p.m. edt

sez his son was brainwashed at an expensive, Commie, private academy.

I didn't know until now that Elon Musk has a "trans" kid

Both Musk and his kid would have been better served had he been sent to an "inner city" public high school.


  1. X--as in Twitter.I heard he likes the letter,for some reason.He shouldn't after Xavier.


  2. I doubt you can be "brainwashed" by going to college, unless you were poorly raised to begin with. Not hard to imagine in this instance. -RM

  3. RM, the boy hasn't gone to college yet. That was in high school, and possibly earlier schools.
