Thursday, August 31, 2023

convicted, female ms-13 mass murderer tries to get her conviction tossed

By N.S.

"ms-13’s 'little devil' ['diablita'] wants quadruple murder rap tossed — but judge seems wary

"Leniz 'diablita' Escobar's lawyers on thursday argued prosecutors had failed to show at trial that their client aimed to boost her standing in the gang -- but a federal judge..."


  1. Where's Nayib Bukele when you need him?

  2. Somehow,I hear the big boobed chick's voice from "Modern Family",Sophia Vergara,making this appeal.If "diablita" looks like her,she's free tonight.


  3. Speaking of frivolous waste of court time:

    GRA:A whopper is a lie,so caveat emptor.

    (bbc)Burger King must face a lawsuit that alleges it makes its Whopper burger appear larger on its menus than it is in reality, a US judge has ruled.

    The lawsuit accuses the fast food giant of misleading customers by showing the burger with a meatier patty and ingredients that "overflow over the bun".

    "The plaintiffs' claims are false," Burger King told the BBC.

    Rivals McDonald's and Wendy's are facing a similar lawsuit in the US.

    The class action lawsuit against Burger King alleged that the Whopper was made to look 35% larger, with more than double the amount of meat compared to what was actually served to customers.

    A Burger King Whopper hamburger is displayed in San Anselmo, California.

    Burger King had earlier argued that it was not required to deliver burgers that look "exactly like the picture".

    In the ruling, US District Judge Roy Altman said it should be left to jurors to "tell us what reasonable people think".

    However, he dismissed claims that Burger King misled customers with its television and online advertisements.

    GRA:Sounds like a black lawsuit.In fact,it would not surprise me,if Crump is in charge of it.


  4. jerry pdx
    Everything looks better in the menu, or ads, than in actuality. The meat looks juicier, the lettuce looks crisper etc... 35% bigger though? Twice the meat? I'll have to take a better look at the menus next time I'm in Burger King.

  5. Do you even need to prove motive? I think not.

    Hacked to deff with machete. A gruesome way to go. Wanted to cause the maximum pain before deff.
