Wednesday, August 30, 2023

chicago war crime of the day: nEGRO who had already murdered at least one person, lures White Chicago Firemen into his house, in order to burn them alive; chicago police, fire department, and msm cover up the racist character of the crime, refusing to say the respective races, or even identify the perp

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, august 30, 2023 at 6:01:00 p.m. edt

crazy nig of the day: nEGRO lures chicago firemen into his house to burn them alive

GRA: I heard this story on chicago radio.

“2 chicago firefighters escape after man lures them into home doused in gasoline, pulls knife on them
“a battalion chief and lieutenant were unharmed when fellow firefighters break windows and make entry into an auburn Gresham home, police said”
by Rosemary Sobol and Mohammad Samra
updated aug 30, 2023, 6:14 p.m. edt
(chicago sun-times)

“(sun times) a 47-year-old man is in custody after he lured two [firemen] into his south side home where the floor was covered with gasoline, according to police.

“other firefighters smashed a window to reach the two, a battalion chief and a lieutenant. they were not injured, and the man was arrested. two knives and a loaded gun were recovered, police said.

“the man was convicted nearly 20 years ago of murdering a rap producer in Austin, according to police.

[N.S.: So, why was he free, less than 20 years later?]

“the chief and lieutenant responded about noon tuesday to a car fire in the garage of the man’s home in the 7700 block of south Marshfield avenue in the auburn Gresham neighborhood, according to a police report.

“after the fire was put out, the resident told the two that he smelled gas in his basement and asked if they could check it.

“‘you go first,’ chicago fire department spokesman Larry Langford said the chief told the suspect [sic], who grabbed a battery-operated screw gun and removed a solid wooden board blocking the basement.”

[N.S.: The firemen immediately realized that something was very wrong with the scenario.]

“once down there, the [firemen] did not smell gas and saw the suspect [sic] ‘quickly’ going upstairs, Langford said. they followed, and at the top of the staircase were confronted with the suspect [sic] pointing a large knife at them and the strong odor of an accelerant.

“they also saw the entrances to the home boarded up so they could not get out.

“‘he ordered them back in the basement,’ Langford said. instead, the [firemen] began struggling with the suspect. eventually, the chief was able to get on the radio and alert the crews outside and police.

“other [firemen] broke a window, jumped in and pulled the two [firemen] to safety. the man, meanwhile, barricaded himself in a bathroom with two knives and an empty gun holster. the man said he ‘wanted to harm himself,’ but [firemen] broke down the door, and he was taken into custody, the police report said.

[N.S.: He had no intention of hurting himself; he just wanted to harm Whites.]

“gasoline covered the floor inside the home. police found a loaded gun in ‘plain view’ and the basement appeared to be filled with hoses or wires, according to police and Langford.

“the man was taken to Little Company of Mary Hospital in evergreen park. no charges have been announced.

“‘it was very scary,’’ Langford said. ‘it’s speculation [N.S.: The hell, it is!] that this individual was trying to lure our people into a situation where they could be trapped, and he was preparing to light the accelerant with them in the basement.’”

GRA: Speculation, but very likely, sir. They (chicago firemen) won’t admit the truth either—even if it’s as obvious as this is.



  1. [N.S.: So, why was he free, less than 20 years later?]

    This is stated plainly in the article:

    "Court records show that he was granted a new trial in 2019 after arguing that he was not effectively represented by his lawyer, who he claimed dissuaded him from testifying on his own behalf and did not pursue his claim of self-defense in the case.

    A judge ordered his bail set at $450,000 after vacating the conviction and the man was released on bond, records show.

    A date for a new trial has not been set."


    "Court records show the man was sentenced to 35 years in prison for murder and an additional six years to be served consecutively for attempted murder. Details of the case were not immediately available."

    There are different kinds of "murder". The average sentence for 2nd degree murder is probably around 20 - 30 years. It depends on the circumstances (the crime, judge, precedent in that state). Parole could happen before then.

  2. 77th and Marshfield not too far from where I used to live. That used to be such a nice area. What changed? To be honest, the bad guy did show a lot of initiative, planning, aforethought not so characteristic of his demographic.
