Wednesday, August 23, 2023

black man in mississippi tries to win ghetto lottery; his “allies” at yahoo/aol control discussion of case

By A Texas Reader
wednesday, august 23, 2023 at 04:57:15 p.m. edt

black fedex deliveryman, allegedly attacked by two White Men while working, terminated from courier company after refusing to get off worker’s compensation leave

He trying to win the ghetto lottery?

N.S.: I mistakenly tried to post a comment, but yahoo/aol clearly has me on its political enemies list.

N.S.: gauleiter, you need to write my comments for me. “language which may be considered inappropriate in our community” means nothing but YOUR political prejudices.

yahoo news: “Hold on, your comment is waiting for approval. Learn more”

Veritas [black male]: “Second, my point is that social circumstance may render individuals unable to recognize certain perspectives. My anecdotal experience has been that White American males tend to be tone-deaf to any but their in-group experience – not just non-White experiences; even those of White females.”

N.S.: White men are sick of living as fifth-class people being lied to by blacks who enjoy black skin privilege, and even White females who enjoy feminazi (“me-too”) sexual privilege.

yahoo news: “Sure about this? Your post seems to include language which may be considered inappropriate in our community. You can either revise your comment or have it reviewed by a moderator. Learn More”


  1. "My anecdotal experience has been that White American males tend to be tone-deaf to any but their in-group experience – not just non-White experiences; even those of White females.”

    GRA:Right,we try to avoid the "black experience",because it's often involves forcible loss of valuables(money,watch,ring),injury or death.

    OUR in-group experience can also not be "heard" by blacks--hard work,intelligence,honesty,ingenuity--all things unfamiliar to negroes.

    A two way street,in other words.


  2. jerry pdx
    Breitbart will censor comments that use the word black so I say 13% or different variations of "a certain minority group". Usually works.

  3. Or separate the letters a space--bl ack,b lack etc.

