Sunday, July 30, 2023

qanon, meet blueanon

WP & NYT: memphis police brutality victim was black, but his brutalizers were just blue.”

N.S.: “Blue” is a euphemism for White.

By Harry Baldwin
July 28, 2023

“I noticed Matt Taibbi used a term for the insane conspiracy theories spun out by the msm and gobbled up by progressives: ‘blueanon.’”

1 comment:

  1. Media lumps black cops with White cops and no description is given when a black cop(or cops)gives a black thug a fatal whuppin'.Media will not indicate that black cops did it--just like with black criminals committing crimes.When White cops are involved,media wastes no time telling us about White cops beating an unarmed etc.Media IS consistent,I'll say that for them.

