Monday, July 31, 2023

explosive change proposed for fake president Joe Biden's out-of-control fbi

By N.S.


  1. "Disarm the fbi".You'd have to disarm the "see eye a" too.There are too many anti-American entities at work in 2023 to just say,"all our problems are solved by(initiating this one thing).

    They cover each other's asses and would no doubt make quick,neutralizing adjustments to any ideas Congress forced on either the fbi or see eye a.


  2. "Law-enforcement expert offers intriguing alternative to defunding bureau"

    Like what?

    "Disarm the FBI and force it to partner with local law enforcement agencies for any investigative and enforcement activities," he's written at the Federalist."

    Sure. Disarm them how exactly? And what if local law enforcement is more than willing to help the FBI? In fact, what if they will be REQUIRED to help the FBI? Are we supposed to believe both sides of Congress would not overwhelmingly approve such a law?

    This guy seems only concerned about things like this:

    "Then, of course, there was the "raid" on President Trump's home."

    Meaning if the FBI did not have weapons, and could not act independently of local law enforcement, there would have been no raid on Trump.

    No one believes that.

    What about all the political corruption and censorship activity? Didn't the politically corrupt FBI participate in undermining the Trump presidency? Did they use guns for that? Didn't "Twitter files" just reveal the FBI was heavily involved in censorship? How is disarming them going to stop and of that?

    You will never disarm the FBI. Or force them to be dependent on local law enforcement.

    Just cut their budget by 40%.

    More faux "opposition".

    Like grandstanding in Congress by holding "hearings". Which in the end accomplish nothing.

    These people are either a fifth column or idiots.

  3. "He proclaimed FBI policy precluded him from discussing ongoing investigations."

    Since when does a "policy" override a Congressional inquiry or investigation. Who pays for the FBI salary. All the citizens. Compel the bastard to talk.

    I like to believe there are persons in the USA or institutions rock solid who are reliable and can be counted on. Doubt there are any now.
