Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Old video footage of the WTC

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 09:51:33 AM EDT
Subject: Old video footage of the WTC

Researchers at the University of Alaska, renowned for their civil engineering program thanks to Alaska's location on the Pacific Rim of Fire, proved that Building 7 collapsed in a free-fall.  

No airplane struck Building 7.


  1. That day is still the day that I never thought I'd see or experience the complete feeling of shock of what I was watching,combined with the underlying acknowledgement--almost immediately--that whoever perpetrated these acts,pulled off the
    crimes of the century(so far)with the greatest preparedness possible.

    To have everything go right for the hijackers until finally,the passengers put a stop to flight 93,still blows my mind.Yet,nothing like it has happened since--even more strange--in my opinion.


  2. The thing was just weak and shook apart?? I hate to think otherwise.

  3. "To have everything go right for the hijackers until finally, the passengers put a stop to flight 93,still blows my mind. Yet, nothing like it has happened since--even more strange--in my opinion."

    I have often thought the same thing. Everything went TOO well. Some highly intelligent but also highly malevolent person or persons planned those attacks flawlessly. A highly complex operation that went TOO well. Had someone plan way beyond Osama and his merry band of terrorists living in caves in Afghan.
