Monday, July 24, 2023

montgomery county, md: career criminal castro ordonez killed by cops after going on stabbing spree

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
monday, july 24, 2023 at 04:30:45 p.m. edt

montgomery county, md: castro ordonez killed by cops after going on stabbing spree

19-year-old reportedly attacked folks at a thrift store and yard sale before he was nailed by county police:



    "Mr.Martini,the nutcases are running the asylum on the outside.Look at the article in today's NSU headlines.A guy named Ordonez stabs several people in Maryland.A black chick pretends to get kidnapped."

    "Mac,why are blacks and Mexicans allowed to be free and commit these crimes whenever they want--why aren't THEY in here?"

    "That's an excellent question,Mr.Martini,and I'm going to bring that up to Nurse Ratched very shortly."

    "I wouldn't,if I were you,Mac.She'll get mad and we'll lose our privileges."

    "Mr.Harding,which privileges are those?The privilege where we stare at a blank television set while the World Series is on? Or maybe that sacred privilege of trying to digest their nauseatingly putrid food--day after day? Or maybe the delightful wardrobe we're privileged to wear on a daily basis. Is that the one,Hard-on? The "privilege" you don't want to lose?


    "Don't worry,Billy,I'll be very congenial--that means charming--as always."

    (Loudspeaker--"It's medication time,gentlemen,it's medication time")

    (McMurphy goes to the front of the line)

    "Here's your pill,Mr.McMurphy."

    "Uh uh.First,I want you to answer a question that all of us have on our minds."

    "You TELL HER,Mac."

    "Mr.Cheswick,please calm down.Mr.McMurphy,you're holding up the line.Take your pill and let the rest of the patients get their medicine."

    "Why aren't there any black or Mexican patients in this facility?Except for the Chief,we're all White folks!"



    "Are you calm,Mr.Cheswick?"


    "Are you ready for the answer,Mr.McMurphy?"


    "If we allowed blacks and Mexicans as patients in this facility..."

    "I'm listening."

    "THAT would make US--the employees--TWICE as crazy as the blacks and Mexicans are--for agreeing to LET THEM IN HERE in the first place. Now please step aside,Mr.McMurphy.Hello,Mr.Taber..."

    (McMurphy walks to the recreation area)

    "Well I have to admit,she's got me there--I guess we ARE better off in this nuthouse without them. C'mon boys,gather 'round,it's poker night."

    "I want to bet a nickle."

    "Mr.Martini,you haven't seen your cards yet."

    "I bet a nickle."

    "The game is five card stud--deuces wild.Gentlemen,place your bets.

    End scene



    (wionews)The friends of legendary American actor Jack Nicholson are reportedly concerned about his health. The actor, 85, has become reclusive and as per reports he is suffering from dementia. Although he stopped acting after 2010's romantic comedy 'How Do You Know', he has made often made public appearances. The last time he was seen in public was in October 2021 when he enjoyed a sports match with his son Ray Nicholson. As per RadarOnline, a source said, "He's made it clear his home is his castle. But people just wish he'd come out of the house and pop up to tell them how - or at least reassure folks he's OK. Jack's in touch with certain relatives - especially Ray, his protégé, who he's so proud of - but his socialising days are long gone.

    The source added, "Brando died a virtual recluse after leading such a colourful life, and Jack's friends are drawing the comparisons. His kids will visit, but they're his only connection to the world. It's like he doesn't want to face reality anymore and that's just sad."

    Nicholson is regarded as one of the greatest actors of all time. He was known to completely disappear into his characters, and excelled at characters who were not quite right in the head. He is one of the only three actors with three or more Oscars (Katharine Hepburn died with four Oscars, and Meryl Streep has three trophies).

    Nicholson was bestowed with Academy Awards for his performances in films like 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest(1975)', 'Terms of Endearment', and 'As Good as It Gets'. He is also known for performances like Joker in 'Batman', Jack Torrance in 'The Shining', Col. Nathan Jessup in 'A Few Good Men', and many more.

    GRA:Good to see him in this sequel,of sorts,then to the original,"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"

  3. And the immigration status is?

  4. jerry pdx
    NFL player accuses TSA agent of "sexual assault" during airport screening:

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume it was a bunch of his brothas that did whatever is they did. Probably not a gay thing (though maybe it was?) as much as a black jealousy thing, they saw a brotha whose moved on up and wanted to take him down a peg. In the article he refers to them as "gentlemen" so we know it was dudes. That's pretty funny, I'd be willing to be any amount of money in private he called them something else, you know, a word that starts with an "N" and ends with a hard "ERS"

    For a cis straight guy like me, if airports really want TSA agents to be this extreme with body searches, all they have to do is hire only 20 something year old Emilia Clarke or Gal Gadot lookalikes and dress them up as naughty nurses, they'd be welcome to search me as thoroughly as they please.

  5. I'm surprised it's still called John Wayne Airport--good to see.A lot of talk of getting rid of the name.

    As for your nurse uniform preferences,Jerry,the goal is to get the planes up in the air as quickly as possible--not YOU,lol.

    But it would be a popular airport.

    I believe Dian Parkinson had a naughty nurse outfit on "The Price is Right"-30-35 years ago.Then again,WHATEVER she wore turned into naughty attire.

