Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Tucker Carlson on youtube, episode 6! On the threat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. poses to the deep state

Re-posted by N.S.


  1. I'm totally baffled by zerohedge's(and Carlson's)fixation on RFK Jr--being they're both identified as conservatives,but RFK is a full blooded Kennedy liberal.Yes,he's against vaccines and he's a believer in the CIA killing his uncle in 1963,but he's also for the blacks and not against immigration.If I'm wrong,correct me.



  2. RFK Jr. says he will ‘make the border impervious’ if elected as Title 42 is set to expire
    By Houston Keene, Fox News

    May 11, 2023 | 10:59pm

    Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., told Fox News Digital he will "make the border impervious" if elected president as Title 42 is set to expire tonight.

    Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., told Fox News Digital he will “make the border impervious” if elected president as Title 42 is set to expire tonight.

    Kennedy, who has nabbed nearly 20 percent of President Biden’s Democrat primary supporters, caught up on the phone with Fox News Digital on Thursday ahead of Title 42’s expiration.

    The nephew of President John F. Kennedy pledged that, if elected president, he would “make the border impervious” to address the crisis at the southern border.

    “I will make the border impervious,” Kennedy said.

    “We cannot release people, illegal aliens across the border.”

    “But we also need to recognize that this is a humanitarian crisis, and we need to fix the policies that have caused this mass migration, including decades of U.S. foreign policy that have imposed austerity on those governments, neoliberal policies that have encouraged the rise of the Junta military dictatorship that has trained and supported death squads in countries across Central America,” Kennedy continued.

    Kennedy warned that “we are now reaping the whirlwind of years of misguided foreign policies, of warmongering foreign policy.”


  3. He is an alternative to Biden. For that alone he is a threat.
