Friday, June 02, 2023

Little Miss Trouble

-----Original Message-----
From: Abigail Shrier from The Truth Fairy <>
Sent: Fri, Jun 2, 2023 8:39 pm
Subject: Little Miss Trouble

Little Miss Trouble


  1. She mentions Tucker Carlson briefly.Did he take a Richard Branson rocketship to another planet?Seems he's disappeared since he and FOX parted ways.

    The rest of it is too much craziness to read through.


  2. Long before Michael Savage said it, I was saying to friends the liberalism is a mental disease. Worse, now liberalism scarcely exists anymore--today's leftists are utterly intolerant of any but their own twisted views--there is nothing "liberal" about them. Back then the trans thing hadn't happened yet--homosexuals apparently just wanted tolerance. As a right wing guy, I had socialized with both male and female homosexuals--their sexual choices never came up. Now, of course, they don't want tolerance, they are in your face demanding special privileges and making it a crime to disagree--not to mention trying to convert children. This is where tolerance got us. The only cure would seem to strike back at their sickness--make it political suicide to kowtow to them and drive them back into the closet. Right now children are being convinced that they are trans and pushed to mutilation which will destroy their lives. Step one is to make it child abuse for greedy doctors to do these mutilations. When the money hungry doctors and the rest of the medical establishment starts going to prison, it will stop.

  3. Strange Tel Aviv a hotspot for gayness. And Moses would have said? I think we know.
