Thursday, June 01, 2023

case of raul meza shows what has long been wrong with America in so many ways....

By “W”
thu, jun 1, 2023 3:37 p.m.

case of raul meza shows what has long been wrong with America in so many ways....

Astounding. A mere 11 years for raping and killing an eight-year-old girl. I notice that in all these types of ghastly stories, no one ever names the people who let the monsters out of jail -- we never see the names of the scoundrels on the parole boards.

The picture and case of the eight-year-old girl should be constantly distributed nationally. A "Know Her Name!" That he was here in the first place, and not executed for doing that to her after arrest is unforgivable. All concerned with this should be vilified. If any are still alive, they should be dealt with as harshly as possible. Utter evil.

his fambly allowed to come and stay here....rapes and murders Whites...not executed and later released for good behavior...Christian charity...

P.S. N.S.: But I keep hearing how terrible texas is, what with it actually occasionally executing some convicted murderers.


  1. Just his NAME is what's wrong with America.Millions more Mezas heading this way--on top of the 50 million here already.



  2. jerry pdx
    Unless I've missed something, I think this is the first serial killer arrest this year. What's surprising is that it's not a black, what's not surprising is that it's a Mex. Six months to go still in 2023, plenty of time for the negro to catch up.

  3. Death penalty case. Killed the little girl and now the probation officer a senior citizen. TX does execute but at his age this Raul will never face justice.
