Friday, June 30, 2023

france has fallen: moslem rioters destroy country

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
friday, june 30, 2023 at 9:30:00 a.m. edt

“(zh) france has fallen...(Amy Mek)

“police are unable to control the migrant [sic] and left-wing riots taking place across the country. french media has surrendered and cannot keep track of the number of towns and cities across the country being looted, set on fire, and destroyed.

“islamic attack.”


N.S.: The same globalist elite which invited the moslem, rapefugee hordes into the country have handcuffed the police from imposing law and order. Otherwise, you would see moslems by he million already being deported, and rioters, looters, and arsonists, being shot dead. Instead, you see none of that.

The globalist elites have their pockets full of passports (I initially started typing “foreign,” but since they have no allegiance to the france they have conspired to destroy, they recognize no countries as “foreign,” which is why they long ago replaced “foreign” with “international.”), and foreign bank accounts in switzerland, the cayman islands, etc., full of lucre.

The globalist elite in france have long conspired with the globalist elite in what was America, but which they have since turned into “America” (GRA).


  1. Monkey see monkey do. Like in USA. The slightest thing sets them off on a rampage. One day the rioting not going to stop. Civil War the French way.

  2. Yet their stock market went up 100 points today.The old adage is of course,"buy,when there's blood in the streets."
    Still,it seems ridiculous.


  3. Commie News Network explains reason for France riots

    (CNN)Despite calls from top officials for patience to allow time for the justice system to run its course, a sizable number of people across France remain shocked and angry, especially young men and women of color who have been victims of discrimination by police. Nahel was of Algerian descent(GRA:Who cares about his descent?How about the descent of the country into sh*thole status?)

    GRA:That's quite a statement of conjecture."A sizable number of people across France remain shocked and angry...ESPECIALLY young men and women who have been victims of discrimination by police..."

    Examples?Cases?Convictions?From what I've heard,the French bend over backwards to avoid bothering or confronting invaders.To haphazardly make this type of sweeping statement about police ,insinuating all the rioters have been discriminated against,thereby allowing them the "right" to commit crimes from arson to murder,should be enough to force CNN off the air.If you can't tell the truth in your reporting,hit the road.




    (ZH)Social unrest spread like cancer across French cities for a fourth consecutive night, with hundreds of buildings and vehicles set ablaze. President Emmanuel Macron's government struggled to contain the violence, which was sparked on Tuesday after a teenager was shot dead by a police officer.

    (GRA:Muslims and blacks go nuts over one thug getting justifiably killed,but Whites in the U.S. are having their rights murdered everyday by Biden and woke local governments--along with their lives--and nothing is done.)

    In an update on Saturday, France's Interior Ministry said 2,500 fires were reported overnight. Rioters set fire to 1,350 vehicles and 235 buildings nationwide. About 1,300 people were arrested, while the government mobilized 45,000 police officers with armored vehicles to quell the violence.

    According to The Telegraph, French police said they were "at war" with "savage hordes of vermin" on Friday night. The country's top police unions threatened revolt unless Macron's government restored law and order.

    "Today the police are in combat because we are at war. Tomorrow we will enter resistance and the government should be aware of this," police unions said.

