Sunday, May 28, 2023

You might be a mexican... the entire front of the car was severely crushed....

sun, may 28, 2023 12:30 p.m.

The entire front of the car was severely crushed. The windshield was shattered and had caved in. The front hood was crammed toward the windshield, exposing the inside of the hood.

You might be a mexican...


  1. You really shouldn't drive at night in a 10%,but especially a 30,40 or 50% mex populated city.80% of them are drunk by 6 pm.


  2. You might be a Mexican,if your car's tires are off the ground more often than on.

    You might be a Mexican,if when someone asks you,"what does Memorial Day mean to you"--you answer,"I don't remember ANYTHING since 2015."

    You might be a Mexican,if by taking the number of toilets in your house or apartment and multiplying that number by 10,you come up with approximately how many Mex live in that residence.

    You might be a Mex(or a black)if you're unable to read any of this.


  3. The Marines did something similar to determine the number of Japanese defenders Tarawa, WW2.

    Number of latrines per men per doctrine you spot and the rough number of Japanese calculated.
