Monday, May 22, 2023

“Obama’s” favorite violent black felon, Alton Mills, has graduated to murder, which he couldn’t have committed, if “Obama” hadn’t sprung him prematurely

Future murderer Alton Mills and Fauxcahontas

[“black criminal celebrated by senate democrats, who issued him free felonies, shot a woman in the head, leaving her brain dead.”]

By Anonymous
monday, may 22, 2023 at 12:48:00 a.m. edt

“editor’s note: on may 20, 2023, the cook county medical examiner’s office stated that the woman has died. The agency identified her as Linda Chattman, 39, of chicago.”

By Bradley Morris
monday, may 22, 2023 at 9:36:00 a.m. edt

Take a close look at the story. This animal shot blindly into another vehicle because they had the temerity to pass him. This means he was armed and had no impulse control. I also doubt this was his debut at this sort of thing. He was granted clemency because he was deemed a non-violent, low-level, drug dealer. When dealing a drug like crack, there is no such thing as a non-violent offender. Additionally, was his handgun licensed? Now, watch the crickets from his ardent liberal cheerleader squad - Obama, Warren, Durbin. Or, if they do say something they’ll blame the gun.

N.S.: It wasn’t lack of impulse control; the guy is pure evil, and this was pre-meditated murder. I’m sure when they were looking for cut-throats to pardon, they engaged in the most rigorous vetting, in order to ensure that they released the most dangerous killers, just as they invited the most savage gangsters from the northern triangle. And I’m sure, as you suggested, that this was not this perp’s first time.

By Anonymous
monday, may 22, 2023 at 10:24:00 a.m. edt

Always the same thing. Something exceedingly stupid and trivial that should have not mattered one bit. Usually it is the look, the glance, the stare, or the perceived look, glance, stare.

“harsh mandatory minimum sentencing laws”

That was sentencing for crack cocaine possession and distribution. The black pastors had encouraged such legislation and that was why so many negroes got such long sentences.

N.S.: But after they got what they had demanded, they lied, and asserted that racist Whites were to blame for it.

What Alton Mills did was a more extreme version of what racist blacks (and less often, hispanics) have been doing for many years. First, a racist punk does something to inconvenience and humiliate Whites, like cutting a line, and then, if any White complains, sucker-punches him. Mills blocked traffic, in order to inconvenience and humiliate people he assumed were White, and then, after someone got fed up sitting behind his vehicle and passed him, murdered one.

I have yet to find a photo of Mills' vic, Linda Chattman.


  1. If Obama had a son ...(as they say).


  2. jerry pdx
    When you do an image search for Mills victim Linda Chattman you don't get her photo but this is one of the images you do get:

    That story about is about Cedric Chapman a 17 yr. old criminal who got himself shot by police, Linda Chatman is his mother. Then you also get a lot of images of Kim Kardashian because she is trying to get black mass murderer Kevin Keith out of jail and one of his victims was named Linda Chatman.

    Chattman doesn't seem like a black name, but because of those stories, a lot of black faces come up. I don't know why Linda Chattman's photo doesn't come up in top level results, seems like Alton Mills has had enough coverage that her photo would be out there somewhere but maybe behind the scenes wokesters have pushed it so far down in searches that it's difficult to find. Not to get too conspiratorial but I'm suspicious of everything when it comes to race.

  3. Is Fauxahontas a drive by shooter too?Those types usually hang together in pairs--not just in photographs(her attacks conducted with fake arrows obviously).

    In case my theory is correct,be on alert when in her neighborhood.

    --GRA,your friendly neighborhood profiler.
