Tuesday, May 23, 2023

(natural news) researcher and intellectual property analyst Karen Kingston has established, through factual documents sourced from the fda and vaccine manufacturers, that the covid-19 “vaccines” are actually biological weapons of mass destruction...

By R.C.
tue, may 23, 2023 10:31 p.m.

(natural news) Researcher and intellectual property analyst Karen Kingston has established, through factual documents sourced from the fda and vaccine manufacturers, that the covid-19 "vaccines" are actually biological weapons of mass destruction that are


I called it early.

In fact, I called it in an email I sent on  June 26,2021.

I told you it was a scam-demic.
Whitney Webb is a contributor to Unz.com.
COVID is a hybrid bioweapon.
You get the "virus."
Then you MUST get the mandatory "vaccine."

1 comment:

  1. I tried reading some of the article and zoned out.I tried skimming some of it and zoned out.I guess they're attempting to combine humans with machines in a pill(not necessarily a Covid vaxx--but who knows?)

