Tuesday, May 23, 2023

australia's creepy covid cops

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Taibbi <taibbi@substack.com>
To: add1dda@aol.com
Sent: Tue, May 23, 2023 4:18 pm
Subject: Australia's Creepy Covid Cops

Australia's Creepy Covid Cops

Australia's Creepy Covid Cops

On the heels of an expose down under, new documents show how America's Five Eyes partner cast a broad net over pandemic-related speech

Monday morning, New South Wales time — Sunday night to Americans like me living on the east coast — the Australian published an exposé titled, "Antic reveals Canberra silenced Covid posts."
Through a freedom of information request, a conservative Australian senator named Paul Antic revealed that the country's Department of Home Affairs between 2017 and 2022 made "13,636 referrals to digital platforms to review content against their own terms of service." Of those, 9000 were terrorism-related, but a full 4,213 were listed as "Covid-19 related" referrals.
"On what basis is the department qualified to determine the truth in Covid-19 related matters?" Antic asked. "Are we seeing an Australian #TwitterFiles?"
Ironically, Racket's house Australian, Andrew Lowenthal, had already been preparing a story about DHA-related documents found in remaining #TwitterFiles material. Andrew found 18 emails to Twitter containing 223 total takedown requests from the Department of Home Affairs. This government body correlates roughly to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security but has a broader remit, overseeing among other things national security, border control, and management of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO).
The DHA emails — you can read Andrew's full report here — show a stricter, more nakedly dystopian approach to speech control than we found in communications from American intelligence agencies in earlier Twitter Files reports. The pucker factor will be high when you read that content-zapping requests down under came from something called the "Social Cohesion Division" of the DHA's "Extremism Insights and Communication" office. In another letter, DHA staff thanked Twitter's Global Escalations Team in advance for handling a "hefty request" of 44 takedowns:
Australian authorities in these emails are seen trying to cast a wider net over potential speech violations than we're used to seeing, targeting hyperbolic language (e.g. a claim that PCR tests are "shoved up into your brain"), jokes, tweets from people with literal handfuls of followers, and medical recommendations that were either merely controversial or later proved correct. Perhaps most ominously, the DHA sought removal of content from non-Australians "circulating a claim in Australia's digital information environment."
In the months since the Twitter Files reports started to come out, we're seeing more efforts around the globe to use public records searches and other methods to at least begin to drag out into the open the various state and quasi-state bureaucracies dedicated to policing the Internet. If we can encourage these efforts by helping confirm and flesh out reporting in places like Australia with TF documents, it'll be worth it, especially as more and more "anti-disinformation" operations are birthed every day (Monday's launch of "BBC Verify," which boasts of using "undercover" accounts and blames "alternative media" for conspiracy theories, was another unsettling moment). Thanks to the Australian for covering the story, and to Andrew for digging out confirmation.


  1. The thing is,all the countries of the so called "free world" came up with these totalitarian rules to stop opposition to the vaxx.Why?

    If they were FOR us,they'd be honest about the dangers and ineffectiveness of the stupid vaxx,but instead they went for censorship and threats and job dismissal

    Disappointing to see people act in such an evil way ACROSS THE GLOBE.To what purpose is the question.


  2. jerry pdx
    43 yr. old White man Christopher Michael Wright is beaten to death in front of his house by gang of "3-4 White males" who came to fight his 14 yr. old son after an altercation at school:


    From the article:

    Police have said they are treating the incident as a homicide and have asked anyone with information to contact them. Police listed the suspects as "three to four White males" in their mid-20s to mid-30s in age. Anne Arundel County Police said there have been no updates to the case and no arrests made as of Wednesday, May 24

    3-4 White males? Since when do the police put race right out there as a description? When they are black they are always so careful to only describe them as "teens" or a "mob" but in this case they put race right out there. Article also stated the group consisted of 2 adults and 3 teens so it was actually 5 people, not 3-4 White males.

    They might say because the public could still be in danger from a violent group but this stemmed from an incident at school and the attack was caught on a street camera so how hard will it be to figure out who these people are? Sometimes you really have to wonder what's going on in the minds of these cops when they put out public statements, the kid knows who he got in a fight with at school so if the cops haven't questioned him yet and identified the rest of the ones involved, they'd have to be amazingly incompetent.

  3. "a stricter, more nakedly dystopian approach to speech control than we found in communications from American intelligence agencies in earlier Twitter Files reports."

    Going to be that USA authorities will have foreign censors do the job they don't want to do.
