Tuesday, April 25, 2023

associated press bestows sainthood on black supremacist-communist Harry Belafonte: He’s dead at 96

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, april 25, 2023 at 11:13:00 a.m. edt

Harry Belafonte, groundbreaking entertainer and activist, dies at 96
by the associated press
Hillel Italie, 2 hours ago

“new york (ap) — Harry Belafonte, the civil rights and entertainment giant who began as a groundbreaking actor and singer and became an activist, humanitarian and conscience of the world, has died. He was 96.”

(GRA: “Conscience of the world?” That’s a laughable over-embellishment by itself.)

“Belafonte died Tuesday of congestive heart failure at his new york home, his wife, Pamela, by his side, said Ken Sunshine, of public relations firm Sunshine Sachs Morgan & Lylis.

“With his glowing, handsome face and silky-husky voice, Belafonte was one of the first black performers to gain a wide following on film, and to sell a million records as a singer; many still know him for his signature hit “Banana Boat Song (Day-O),” and its call of ‘Day-O! Daaaaay-O.’ But he forged a greater legacy once he scaled back his performing career in the 1960s and lived out his hero Paul Robeson’s decree that artists are “gatekeepers of truth.”

(GRA: WHOSE truth, is the question. N.S.: “Harry Belafonte” and “truth” do not belong in the same sentence.)

“He stands as the model and the epitome of the celebrity activist. Few kept up with Belafonte’s time and commitment and none his stature as a meeting point among hollywood, Washington and the civil rights movement.

“Belafonte not only participated in protest marches and benefit concerts, but helped organize and raise support for them. He worked closely with his friend and generational peer the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., often intervening on his behalf with both politicians and fellow entertainers and helping him financially. He risked his life [?!] and livelihood [?!] and set high standards for younger black celebrities, scolding Jay Z and Beyonce for failing to meet their ‘social responsibilities,’ and mentoring Usher, Common, Danny Glover and many others. In Spike Lee’s 2018 film BlacKkKlansman, he was fittingly cast as an elder statesman schooling young activists about the country’s past.

“Belafonte’s friend, civil rights leader Andrew Young, would note that Belafonte was the rare person to grow more radical with age. He was ever engaged and unyielding, willing to take on southern segregationists, northern liberals, the billionaire Koch brothers and the country’s first black president, Barack Obama, whom Belafonte would remember asking to cut him ‘some slack.’”

“Belafonte responded, ‘What makes you think that’s not what I’ve been doing?’”

GRA: Amusing line from a nig radical. We need White leaders to put the same energy that negroes like Belafonte used to exert—and do it for White people.



  1. jerry pdx
    Black (hispanic?) man sexually harasses 17 yr. old girls in the multi cultural paradise of pdx as they are walking by. The girls fortunately possess enough composure to get a picture of him: https://nextdoor.com/p/jSsgdC4T5QLs?post=268275228&utm_source=email&is=tpe&section=cta&mar=true&ct=AfJbke-wOld65PktYtlDtA7puQ3vXwejB0oUOKCL0KVgDv2_zd02QZ5NuDgxSud4&ec=OWKiQRDj9vEHAYwTV6YMARldwuFdgGkeefhwfGYAE0s%3D&mobile_deeplink_data=eyJhY3Rpb24iOiAidmlld19wb3N0IiwgInBvc3QiOiAyNjgyNzUyMjh9&link_source_user_id=80189896
    You have to have an account with NextDoor to see this but according to the girls, he asked them if he could fondle them. You have to double click on the photo to see his face, looks like a black hispanic to me. NextDoor will often delete postings that have pictures of possible criminals (especially if they are non White) in order to protect them so it may not be up long, but we'll see.

  2. Belafonte's friend and civil rights leader, Andrew Young, along with Jimmy Carter, were dually responsible for fawningly ushering in Robert Mugabe's monstrous 37 year regime.

  3. Re. the death of Harry Belafonte from congestive heart failure at age 96: like millions of others, I bought and enjoyed his first LP--matter of fact, I think I still have the album.

    Judging by his appearance, Belafonte seemed to be of mixed race, and the NY Times obituary confirmed this in unusual detail, listing a white paternal grandfather and a white maternal grandmother: in other words, he had 50% white ancestry. You don't hear much about that.

    Of Belafonte's three marriages, his latter two were to white women, the first to an attractive black woman. This "trading up" seems to be the rule for black celebrities, like Sidney Poitier and Clarence Thomas. (Both of Thomas Sowell's two wives were white.)

    1. That's true,they're not proud to be black--they really want to be White--but they can't be what they are not--and it pisses them off.


  4. jerry pdx
    Here is a graphic video of an angry mob burning suspected gang members to death in Haiti: https://www.kaotic.com/video/8f76ce7b_20230425103221_t
    Rated X for eXtreme violence...

  5. "they're not proud to be black"

    Maybe they are, maybe not.


    In general, there is also less sexual dimorphism in Blacks than in other races, meaning black men and women tend to be closer in appearance. This goes in the direction of black females looking more masculine and therefore less feminine and less attractive to black males than females of other races.

    Similarly, but in the other direction, one could say Asian men tend to be less masculine than men of other races. The fact a significant number of Asian women seem to prefer white men can be seen as some evidence that Asian women see white men as more masculine in appearance, and therefore more attractive than Asian men.

    The white race seems to have a nice balance or level of sexual dimorphism, which is one reason Whites tend to be far more attracted to each other than to other races (as data from dating websites and apps consistently shows). Obesity among white females, currently trending toward 40% (a societal tragedy), probably increases the attractiveness of Asian women for white men.

    Nowadays nearly 60% of black women are obese (they are by some margin the fattest demographic group), which further reduces their sexual attractiveness to black men (and other men for that matter).

  6. jerry pdx
    Dimorphism may be a factor in black women being "less desirable" but more important is the high rates of obesity in black women. Also, the fact that black women have higher rates of early childbirth and are much more likely to be single mothers. Black women get less responses in online dating apps, a phenomenon that has been attributed to "racism" (isn't everything?) among White men.


    What none of these "research" articles about this do is separate black women who are HWP and childless from the ones who are obese single mothers. Overweight single mothers of any race get low numbers of responses and since black women are highly over represented in that category, they get less responses. Childless HWP black women will get as many responses as White women, as long as she has a reasonable face that is. There are homely women or offbeat looking ones in all races that might skew things but as a general rule, young, childless females with good figures are the most highly desired, regardless of race.

  7. "Sidney Poitier and Clarence Thomas. (Both of Thomas Sowell's two wives were white.)"

    + Harry. They all just done know they made it in the whitey world then.
