Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Is the united states a viable society?

By J. Ross

“I am seeing a very encouraging consensus forming: considering how easy it would be to harden schools (it’d cost money, but I thought these people liked to spend money on schools), Democrats must be against hardening schools.

“democrats want kids to die so they can convert dead kids to political capital. Security is a solved problem (except for cutting edge terrorists [with singular plans like weaponizing airliners], which were rare before we focused on them, and rarer now).

“You limit access, you post guards, you monitor.

“Schools already have no expectation of privacy (cf searches for drugs, etc).

“There are no mass shootings at Bilderberg: the mass shootings happen at gun-free zones where the school resource officer was absent or never posted.

“Compare Nancy Pelosi rejecting numerous credible authorities telling her to increase capitol security for January 6th. A thing they allowed to happen is really still a false flag, it’s just a false flag with an alibi.”

@The Anti-Gnostic to @J.Ross

“That’s like telling homeowners well if you want to avoid home invasions and getting raped and slaughtered in your beds, then you should put up concertina wire and hire an armed security service.

“If even quaint little Christian primary schools are a magnet for sociopaths and have to arm up like county jails then you no longer have a viable society. What are we even paying taxes for? The State can no longer maintain the civil order.”

N.S.: “If even quaint little Christian primary schools are a magnet for sociopaths and have to arm up like county jails then you no longer have a viable society. What are we even paying taxes for? The State can no longer maintain the civil order.”

We haven’t had a viable society in a long time.

I’ve been re-reading and re-posting my NPI work, The State of White America, which I completed in 2006. As bad as things were back in 2006, the deterioration since then has been incredible. State power has been seized by figures who have deliberately destroyed civil order.


  1. Look at the cities:40,50,60% black.Our MAJOR cities are the leaders of the country's decline.

    Look at the southwest--Mexican everywhere.

    There's no coincidence that the White population decreasing in percentage terms is the main reason for the loss of US greatness. The influence of black and Mex "culture" on Whites has dragged us down to their level--along with the constant bitching about racism,which so far,at least,has prevented Whites from fighting back.

    The other reason is the commies in government pushing their agenda of anti-cop,anti-White,pro-minority anarchy.I include blm with White communists like Pelosi,Biden,Ocasio Cortez,Cory Booker and various other governors,legislative members and SCOTUS judges.


  2. Yes, to answering the question the title of the article the answer is resoundingly. No United States is now a failed. Society has been on the coin for over a period of 50 years now perhaps longer and it’s never going back to where it was for variety of reasons, one of which is acknowledged demographics change, as simple as that y’all.

  3. Look at the cities:40,50,60% black.Our MAJOR cities are the leaders of the country's decline.

    Look at the southwest--Mexican everywhere

    I have been traveling USA full length of the country and with every country for the last 10 years and let me just testify. There is no place in the USA where you are ever going to be safe anymore. There was always an element of danger and it is almost always demographically driven.

  4. Yes, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out how to "harden" schools. Plus the "resource officers" should be people with the courage to get the job done--maybe hire battle-hardened vets who won't shrink from a fight. Finally, teachers should be armed and well-trained so they can hit what they shoot at. If the leftist pinko commie teachers can't stomach being armed, so much the better--replace them with good conservatives. I believe that in Israel, not only are teachers armed, but they have armed parents who volunteer to protect schools--and consequently, they do not have at terrorist problem at these Israeli schools.
