Monday, February 20, 2023

spain: may legalize bestiality

By "W"
mon, feb 20, 2023 6:43 p.m.

spain: may legalize bestiality


  1. (RT)"The bill was initially introduced and pushed through by Spain’s Social Rights Minister Ione "Fido" Belarra, who has promoted it as seeking to protect the well-being of animals, regardless of whether they are pets or wild animals."

    GRA:Supposedly only humans accused of injuring animals through sexual contact will be prosecuted now--as opposed to before--when ANY circumstances of animal/human contact were found to have occurred,an arrest could be made.

    No wonder populations in Europe are declining--right Pablo?



  2. It is OK to rape an animal as long as the animal does not require medical care from a vet that is what the law says

    Where is General Franco when we need him the most he wasn’t really such a bad guy. After all they report him as being so.

    The Bible condemn such sort of behavior that is often thought is a way by which the HIV virus was transmitted to humans when someone raped a chimp. Chimps are a repository of the HIV virus
