Tuesday, February 21, 2023

on japanese-run concentration camps

[Previously: “fake president/real gangster Joe Biden, aka Pal Joey: japanese American internment camps ‘one of the most shameful periods in American history.’”]

By Jerry PDX and N.S.
tuesday, february 21, 2023 at 2:47:00 p.m. est

I’ve written about this before but I think it bears repeating with our fake prez, globalist tool bringing up japanese internment camps.

What has been whitewashed out of history with the onslaught of pc-driven propaganda is the extensive sordid history of japanese-run concentration camps. They had a network of camps throughout the pacific region, where they interned Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, Europeans and Americans.

There have been two books I know of written about these camps, but there is really very little easily obtainable information about them, it’s not pc or marketable to talk about them. American interment camps were benign, and prisoners well fed and warm. Not all japanese camps were the same: while some japanese-run camps were fairly benign, many others were brutal and vicious. We don’t know what happened in camps where the Japanese simply liquidated their victims. Check out just how extensive their network of camps were:


The trick to finding info on Japanese internment camps is typing in “japanese- RUN internment camps.” If you just type in “japanese internment camps” you get infinite results about American-run internment camps, but nothing about Japanese run ones.

N.S.: During World War II, the japs routinely engaged in the torture and murder of captives presented as “science” on a par with that of the Nazi Josef Mengele.

A good deal of this gruesomeness was exposed by the late Bernardo Bertolucci’s communist movie masterpiece, The Last Emperor (1987). (The 15th greatest picture ever made.)

The jap group that committed the worst torture (e.g., live vivisection without anesthetic), rape, and murders, including the deliberate infection of prisoners with deadly pathogens was called “Unit 731.”

David Lean’s movie masterpiece, The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), at the time it was released, the sixth greatest picture ever made, was based on a real incident. However, novelist Pierre Boulle reportedly got the name of the river wrong, and deliberately changed fundamental particulars from the real story.

In the real incident, allied POWs helped build “railway bridge 277,” later called “japan’s Death Railway,” but the vast majority of the workers were Southeast Asian slave laborers. As many as 13,000 allied POWs and 90,000 Southeast Asian slave laborers died through overwork, malnourishment, the withholding of medical treatment, and simply being murdered by their japanese and korean overseers, building japan’s Death Railway. But Boulle and the men who made the picture—Lean, Michael Wilson, and Carl Foreman—grasped that Whites didn’t want to see a movie about Southeast Asian slave laborers. In any event, readers and movie audiences alike would have found a realistic re-telling of the events intolerable.


  1. They attacked US.After that,there should be no guilt about anything we did against them during the war.


  2. jerry pdx
    It is maddening to research this subject online. It's an example of how pc propaganda overwhelms anything that contradicts it. Even typing "Japanese RUN internment camps" into whatever search engine you are using brings up mostly articles about American internment camps but at least some results about Japanese ones appear, you have to pick through and find them though.

  3. With that in mind.a Jap version of "Hogan Heroes",called "Hogan's HeLoes" could just as easily been made.Werner Klemperer as Colonel Chink(instead of Klink).

    Chink:What did you want Hogan?

    Hogan:The men are tired of Asian food,Colonel--we've had nothing but rice,brown gravy and soy sauce since we were captured- it goes against the Geneva convention.

    Chink:Too bad--we haven't gotten up to the "G's" yet in war protocol.Anything else?

    Hogan:Yes,you look familiar--didn't I see you in a German POW camp,when I was deployed there?Where's Schultz?

    Chink:Too overweight to be cast as an Asian soldier--so he plays a Sumo wrestler in THIS version.

    Hogan:How often does a Sumo wrestler turn up in "Hogan's HeLoes"?

    Chink:Newkirk and LeBeau find out in episode 5 and 6--DIS-missed.


  4. Lots of Internet sites deal with unit 731 articles and YouTube video both go watch the YouTube video very informative you’ll probably not want to actually watch a whole lot of what you see in some cases it is actually worse than what the Germans did to the Jews in many cases during World War II
