Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Groot-be-gone! chicago voters throw in-your-face racist, lesbian, black supremacist, pro-crime mayor Lori Lightfoot out of office after only one term; she finished third in communist primary, after White schools chief Paul Vallas, who swears he will be law-and-order mayor; and pro-crime, black supremacist member of the cook county board of commissioners Brandon Johnson; run-off (virtual election) is set for april 4

By N.S.



  1. I'm SHOCKED--shocked I tell you.


  2. This is incredible.Did blacks not show up to vote?How could the only White candidate pull this off?Are blacks so fed up with themselves that they decided to cast thousands of ballots for a "Magic Honkey" to save them?

    I know it said that Paul Vallas was a frontrunner in the polls,but when it's time to **** or get off the pot,Valles winning the majority of the vote is stunning.

    I can't wait to hear the rhetoric of both candidates the next few weeks--I always listen to Chicago radio WBBM while driving around.

