Saturday, February 25, 2023

florida primate crime: photos of invisible teacher’s aide nearly murdered by raceless, nameless, 6’6,” 270 lb. “student”

A discussion among colleagues
sat, feb 25, 2023 2:33 p.m.

florida primate crime: photos of White teacher’s aide nearly killed by black “student”+

pix of the black monster...and a white female “mental health advocate” (Sue Urban) whose own son committed suicide. She doesn’t want this congoid jailed:

It certainly is arguable that aborting creatures like him, as well as the dusky female quartet who drove 14-year-old Adriana Kuch to suicide, is simply a matter of pre-emptive capital removal. Why let them rape and murder, and then try to segregate them from the rest of society? Nip them in the bud....

sat, feb 25, 2023 5:25 p.m.

As this and too many other reactions to similar events reveal, you can do anything to White people and they won’t resist or fight back or even complain. You can tear down their monuments, denounce their history and culture, burn their cities, rape their children, beat their teachers, stir up hatred against them, and they won't even raise an objection.

N.S.: Writes daily mail operative, Alyssa Guzman:

“The student, who is special needs [read: black], was arrested and charged with a juvenile felony for aggravated battery with bodily harm, which [sic] faces up to five years. He is currently in the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice.”

“The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office found Naydich with ‘severe injuries’ and she was transported to the hospital for treatment.

“The teen claimed he would ‘beat her up every time she takes away his game,’ and spat on Naydich as deputies escorted him away, according to the arrest report.

“In bodycam footage, the student can be seen asking officers if he is ‘going to jail,’ while they handcuff him in the school.

“‘For how long?’ the students [sic] asked.

“‘I don’t know,’ the officer replied.

“Moments later he told officers: ‘F**k you, I don't want to go to jail. I have more important things to do,’ before accusing them of manhandling him.”

N.S.: Ally Sue Urban, described as a “Mental Health Advocate,” asserted, “‘That child should not have been transported to jail, he should have been transported to a mental health facility,' she said on Facebook Live.

“‘Please stop labeling this child as a monster. Yes, his size is a big factor, [but] he did not know he was doing wrong. [If he didn’t know he was doing wrong, he is not a member of the human race, and must be destroyed like a rabid dog. Of course, people like Sue Urban have surely told him that nothing he does is wrong.]

Urban: “‘These kids are given extra attention in those classes. They are given leeway to have these devices, so when they do lose their tempers or if they do get into that mental space, that they can have those Switches or phones or their comfort devices, [so] that they can calm down.

“Despite her strong [?] position, she faced swift backlash, with many claiming the child should be charged as an adult and face jail time.”

N.S.: No 17-year-old is a “child.” One of the giveaways that one is hearing from a black supremacist or a non-black “ally,” is that the person refers to ultra-violent black criminals as “children.” They refer sometimes even to violent, adult black criminals as “children.”


  1. There have to be ways to keep maniacs out of "normal" situations, where you just have to cross your fingers and hope that nothing like a near murder happens--but it will.

    Putting a kid--who's violent--in this environment,is akin to hiring a black rapist to do towel pick up in a YWCA locker room.

    You're asking for felonies galore.


  2. >Sue Urban

    She's another example (the exceptions prove the rule) of why you don't want women as decision-makers in positions of authority (today men are also a problem, but it's more pronounced and systemic among women) -- or have a role in saying who does have authority and decision-making power -- because their natural empathy has been corrupted, then hijacked and redirected by emotion-laden regime and media propaganda (e.g. anti-racism propaganda), where the media now basically functions as another branch of government -- natural female empathy is a good thing, but it's obvious now that it is too easily influenced, corrupted, and then re-directed in harmful and grossly unnatural ways, e.g. here away from a middle-aged white woman who was brutally assaulted, and toward the huge black ape who assaulted her.

    Foto of Urban:

    It's not unfair to ask if she would have so publicly said the same thing had the brute not been black -- meaning to suspect that her corrupted natural empathy has responded to intense anti-racist propaganda to the point where she has internalized it and now acts on the express incentive.

    Women like her help keep and put criminals back on the street -- they get people killed.
