Monday, February 27, 2023

Do You Support the racially motivated genocide of east palestine, ohio? (video)

Re-posted by N.S.


  1. I hate it when nig*ers go on tv and tell everyone what WHITE PEOPLE should be saying about various situations.These days,if a nig doesn't opine about a subject,no one pays attention.If a White person gives an opinion like this,it's either ignored or labeled White this or White that(privilege/supremacy).

    This is power being given to blacks--right under our noses--and it pisses me off that Whites--ANYWHERE--have to wait for blacks to "address" the issues,before anyone does something about it.

    We're being bypassed BY MEDIA.

    F**K them.



  2. jerry pdx
    She said "this is about poor working class whites enduring some of the same things poor working class blacks have endured"
    Though she threw in "some" she makes it sound like only blacks have had this sort of thing happen to them in the past and now, as an anomaly, it's happening to Whites. Not true. This sort of things has happened to Whites in the past as well as non Whites. Whether or not it has happened more to blacks than Whites, I don't know but I could accept the argument is happens to more poor people than well to do ones which means it's not really racial targeting but based on class. So even though she's speaking out in favor of Whites, she's reminding us that blacks are the real victims.

  3. And does she approve? Yes, Ohio did not vote for Biden so now they are being rewarded by being ignored of course and we have mayor Pete from South Bend. He made a trip out there a lot of good dad does.

  4. Her name is Nina Turner
