Friday, January 20, 2023

diversity massacre gone wrong: Evansville, ind. – a "man" was shot and killed by police in Evansville thursday night after he opened fire at a local walmart

By R.C.
fri, jan 20, 2023 1:00 p.m.

Evansville, ind. – "a man was shot and killed by police in Evansville thursday night after he opened fire at a local walmart."

"Evansville, ind. – a man was shot and killed by police in Evansville thursday night after he opened fire at a local walmart. according to the Evansville police department, officers were called ...


  1. Everyone loves to go to Walmart to kill someone--what's the attraction?Is it a symbol of Americana?You could go to any number of places besides Walmart to commit mass murder,but that's apparently THE place for nutjob negroes to practice their hunting of Whitey.


  2. "Officers did not give a motive for the shooting."

    GRA:Because there WASN'T one.

    "Oh,why did the black open fire on a crowd of customers?Let's understand him."

    Well,you can't--sociopaths are wackjobs--and most blacks are sociopaths--there's nothing to understand.If your local Walmart has a lot of blacks on the premises--stay away--go to a less dark Walmart in your area.


  3. Walmart allows carry a weapon just not conspicuously
