Tuesday, January 31, 2023

for a mere $95, you can hear Bernie Sanders lecture on the evils of capitalism at a dinner promoting his new book: it’s okay to be angry about capitalism

By Jerry PDX
tuesday, january 31, 2023 at 3:39:00 p.m. est

For a mere $95, you can hear Bernie Sanders lecture on the evils of capitalism at a dinner promoting his new book: it’s okay to be angry about capitalism


Anybody else find that to be hilariously ironic?

Ok, the Bernmeister is going to tell us that money is root of all evil...fine, maybe we can find some common ground in there somewhere but the hypocrisy of telling us that making money and the rich are evil while helping the globalists accumulate vast amounts of wealth by promoting "green energy," mass immigration, and vaccination hysteria reveals how deeply fraudulent and venal he is.

Of course, politicos charge big bucks for speaking fees, the Clintons are the top of the heap in that regard, charging 200k for one engagement but I don't think they are so explicitly anti-capitalist. If Bernie was truly altruistic he should just speak for free, or give any money he makes to charities.


  1. Bernie should have stayed in Israel on that Stalinist kibbutz he was so fond of.


    1. GRA:Posted this in error on a different story:

      I forgot to include Bernie in my death pool choices for this year.

      I'll bet,for $300,Bernie will make a fake bomb threat to any school in the country--he's THAT kind of commie capitalist.

      For $20,he'll send you a Bernie nose hair.

      For $60,a questionable skin growth that he had tested--mailed to your door.

      For $100,a pair of his old glasses(lenses not included).

      For $500,Bernie DNA fluid to use for artificial semination purposes(waiver signed to eliminate child support).

      For $5000...let's not go there.


  2. I'll wait for the movie--with Larry David as Bernie.

