Friday, December 23, 2022

White privilege at work again: 12-year-old buys $11,300 in Christmas presents for kids he doesn't know; black "squeegee kids" murder White man, and the msm cover for them, and condemn him

By A Texas Reader
fri, dec 23, 2022 10:04 p.m.

White privilege at work again: 12-year-old buys $11,300 in Christmas presents for kids he doesn't know Jonathan Werner earned the money selling more than $56,000 in Boy Scout popcorn.

Why don't the squeegee kids in baltimore do the same thing?


  1. jerry pdx

    Article was filled with coded garbage designed to elicit sympathy for violent racist negroes:

    A practice since the 1980s, groups of young men station themselves at busy intersections downtown and clean windshields for tips. Supporters of the teenagers [young men, or teens? I think plenty are adult age men, calling them all teens is a way of trying to make them more sympathetic], who mostly live in the city's poorest neighborhoods, say it's the only work for them. [Bullcrap, there's work, they just don't want to do it, they like the easy quick money they get from intimidating Whites]

    However, many ["Many"? How about anybody who isn't a far left Woke pinhead or racist black] view them as a nuisance and discourage visitors to the city's tourist areas. Oftentimes, the teenager cleans the window without the driver wanting the service ["Oftentimes"??? Nobody wants the service, they're just scared when they are swarmed with aggressive threatening blacks]. Sometimes the driver doesn't have cash on hand to pay them, leading to conflicts ["Sometimes the drivers doesn't have cash"??? So that's the reason there's a conflict...Whitey didn't have cash on hand when a black wants to take it from them so it's his fault? How about saying that a conflict happened because blacks instigated it?]

  2. ," they're just scared when they are swarmed with aggressive threatening blacks]. Sometimes the driver doesn't have cash on hand to pay them, leading to conflicts"

    don't just make the squeegee kee-ids mad at you they are just somebody who need a buck so they can have a good time too sure they are sure
