Tuesday, December 20, 2022

me-too, again! four "Jane Doe" false accusers get Harvey Weinstein convicted of rape yet again in l.a. show trial, but most of their charges were too much even for primed jury

By N.S.



  1. Har-har-har-vey gets to spend 30 more years in prison--in addition to the 30 he's already received?As he's 70 years old,what's the point?

    Gloria Allred said today,"We have other trials that we will need these women to testify at."

    Thirty more years for that.But maybe he'd rather be in a courtroom than a cell.

    Any woman who voluntarily went to Weinstein's room,got what they were looking for--in more ways than one.


  2. Harvey not a young guy he gonna expect to die in prison the most galling part of these trials has been these women describing his private parts as resembling a fish of all things that is the one aspect of these trials that must be most embarrassing to Harvey

    1. Depends if it's a minnow or a sturgeon...lol.


  3. I think Harvey the most embarrassing thing for him what's to be what's the testimony of a shiksa [ non Jewish woman] that ended up convicting him this of course would be the most galling thing to a Jewish man possible.

  4. A New York Appeals Court has overturned Harvey Weinstein's 2020 rape conviction.
