Wednesday, December 21, 2022

five san antonio men have been indicted for their roles in a burglary ring that targeted Ford pickup trucks

By A Texas Reader
wed, dec 21, 2022 3:00 p.m.

five san antonio men have been indicted for their roles in a burglary ring that targeted Ford pickup trucks. Alejandro Arias, 24, Andrew Riojas, 24, Victor Valenciana, 28, Aureliano Villarreal, 26, and Richard Hernandez, 24, face multiple charges in conn

Make a run for the border.

That's what these "hardworking" migrants (sic) do.


  1. And the immigration status of all the culprits is? I asked that question over and over to which yours almost never given an answer

  2. Quite a population of scum down in Texas--or is it Mexas?Or just plain Northern Mexico?


  3. When I lived in Las Cruces, New Mexico--which is not far from the Mexican border--there were many vehicle thefts--most popular were pickups. It was said that a stolen vehicle would be in Mexico in 45 minutes--and some of the stolen vehicles ending up in Mexico were being driven by Mexican policemen. I never visited Mexico--I heard too many bad stories--such as accident scams to shake down Americans. One man I worked with spent the night in jail for refusing to give in to extortion from a Mexican policeman--he was told to pay $50 or go to jail--for nothing. Another guy I worked with was like a skeleton and his suit hung on him like a scarecrow--he had picked up dysentery in Mexico and said he had every color of diarrhea you could imagine. No thanks--not my idea of fun.
