Wednesday, December 21, 2022

d.c. primate crime: dresses like a cop, and shoots 2

By "W"
wed, Dec 21, 2022 12:39 a.m.

d.c. primate crime: dresses like a cop, and shoots 2

hmmm...just avoid black people. those in uniform are just as dangerous as the rest:


  1. jerry pdx
    Another "man's man" type of actor joins the chorus to erase masculinity. Hugh Jackman wants to eliminate male and female best actor awards and just make the awards gender neutral.

    Didn't I recently send an article about how James Cameron says that testosterone is a poison and should be erased? How many more these guys are going to come out at wimp woke tools?

    I always thought Jackman was a real man not a girly man as Arnold might put it. Maybe that's a credit to his acting skills.

  2. Waiting for "cop dresses as thug"--and shoots 4.Tomorrow maybe?

