Thursday, November 24, 2022

The James Alex Fields Case, and the Great Divergence

By Nicholas Stix

Since I started writing for VDARE in 2004 (and then my primary blog, Nicholas Stix, Uncensored and my Nation of Islam blog, The Zebra Project), I’ve frequently researched and written on a group of topics that can be categorized under “the great divergence.” That’s the divergence of reality and the reporting of it by the msm and the antiversity (e.g., fake police crime statistics); and that of the law and the administration thereof. Subtopics are media/race hoaxes, war crimes, and political prisoners; the Duke Rape Hoax (by now, virtually all media analysis is hoax analysis); black-on-White racial atrocities (including the Knoxville Horror; Pearcy Massacre; Winchester Atrocity; and Nation of Islam murders); and innocent Whites who have been railroaded into prison, usually on behalf of blacks.

Which brings me to White political prisoner James Alex Fields Jr.

Remember Fields? He’s the young White man who was convicted of an array of charges, including the murder of White antifa/blm activist Heather Heyer, following the aborted, August 12, 2017 Unite the Right demonstration. (Unite the Right Demonstration Organizer, Jason Kessler, graciously consented to give this reporter an extensive interview on UTR.)

In 2018, Fields was railroaded in state court for the death of Heather Heyer at UTR, and sentenced to “life plus 419 years in prison.” Then in 2019, he was tried in an unconstitutional, double-jeopardy, federal hate crimes trial, and sentenced, yet again, to “life” in prison.

I bring up Fields’ case, because: 1. We should always remember White war crime victims and political prisoners; and 2. because Hunter Wallace, over at Occidental Dissent, wrote about Fields in August, and someone recently brought this to my attention.
[“Tales from the Movement: James Fields, Jr.,” August 5, 2022.]
I wrote a VDARE report on Fields’ state and federal trials in 2019, in which I maintained that he was not guilty of the crimes to which he was charged, but that his attorneys had phoned in their defense. I have seen nothing since to change my mind.
[“Neither Justice nor Mercy for James Fields—and It’s His Lawyers’ Fault,” June 25, 2019.]
Hunter Wallace is a White nationalist, and so the contumely which he heaped on Fields was surprising.

A correspondent told me to be sure to read the commenters, which read Wallace the Riot Act. When I read OD, I typically avoid the comments, which are overwhelmingly obsessed with “naming the Jew.” And this time was no different. However, if one can read through the Jew-baiting, there’s quite a bit of substance there.

Wallace made two main points: 1. Fields “confessed” to his crimes; and 2. Fields destroyed the pro-White political movement.

“He later admitted under oath to everything.”

“Before we get to James Fields, Jr. crashing the Dodge Challenger into the crowd in Charlottesville, which was the coup de grĂ¢ce to the Alt-Right which pretty much killed the organized movement, we should keep in mind the culture of the movement that we have already encountered.”

“At his plea hearing on March 27, Fields admitted under oath that he drove into the crowd of counter-protestors because of the actual and perceived race, color, national origin, and religion of its members. He further admitted that his actions killed Heather Heyer, and that he intended to kill the other victims he struck and injured with his car in the crowd.”

At least, Wallace linked to the DOJ press release.

Fields’ DOJ “confession” was worthless. He had already been sentenced to life plus 419 years in state prison. The feds were holding the death penalty over his head. Meanwhile, he’s his paraplegic mother’s only child. Of course, he “confessed.” But who talks like the language in his fake confession? Only a racial socialist fanatic.
[“Ohio Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for Federal Hate Crimes Related to August 2017 Car Attack at Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, “James Alex Fields Jr. Formerly Pleaded Guilty to Killing Heather Heyer; Injuring Dozens of Others,” Department of Justice Press Release, June 28, 2019.]
As for Fields destroying the “Alt-Right” movement, that sounds like the sort of thing a neo-con would say.

Let us recall that at UTR, the various pro-White forces cooperated with law enforcement, but were stabbed in the back for their troubles. As the Heaphy Report would later detail, instead of doing his job and keeping the violence to a minimum, racist, black, Charlottesville police chief Al Thomas did everything in his power to maximize the violence, aiding and abetting the racist, White anarchists and communists, so that he could violate the pro-White demonstrators’ First Amendment rights.

Pro-White activists have never recovered from the shock of their betrayal at UTR, nor from the lawfare with which the authorities have hit them since then.
[“January 20, 2017 (J20) vs. January 6, 2021 (J6): A Study in Judicial Anarcho-Tyranny,” by Nicholas Stix, VDARE, March 14, 2022.]
James Alex Fields Jr. is a Nazi, while I am not a Nazi. But being a Nazi is not in itself a crime. I believe that it is my Jewish moral superiority that permits me to feel some sympathy for Fields.

Since I am not an activist, as opposed to a journalist and social scientist, the shock of the Deep State lawfare campaigns against the UTR demonstrators and organizers, and against the January 6th demonstrators hasn’t stopped my work. Assuming I’m still alive and my electricity is still running, I get up every day, and go back to work.

For 33 years, I have been the leading chronicler of black supremacism, Jim Snow America, and the White Genocide Project, though it increasingly seems as though the people whom I have benefited the most seek to render me invisible.

However, people like James Fields, Officer Michael Slager; Officer Derek Chauvin; Greg and Travis McMichael, and Roddie Bryan; Michael Drejka, et al., are still in prison, while Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom; Anne Pressly; Eve Carson; Brittney Watts; Gordon Schaffer; Jessica Chambers; Samantha Josephson, et al., are still dead.

And so, work I will, visible or not.

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I thank you, and your posterity will, too.


Nicholas Stix


  1. You've done exemplary work N.S.,accurate,researched and tireless in your presentations in fighting for Whites and our futures(even if many will not fight for themselves).

    Happy Thanksgiving.


  2. "black, Charlottesville police chief Al Thomas did everything in his power to maximize the violence"

    And then got fired for his efforts in complying with authority and issuing his stand-down order.
