Sunday, November 27, 2022

sign-language interpreter who was fired from the lion king, simply for being White, accepts out-of-court settlement; however, inferior, black supremacist affirmative action interpreters and their White allies openly keep up the racist hate against him!

By N.S.

First off, Keith Wann was not playing a black person, because (unless the story has been changed for the stage), there are no people in the lion king. The roles are all animals. But it wouldn’t matter if there were black characters, because directors have been stealing roles of White characters, and giving them to black actors for generations.

“‘Keith Wann, though an amazing asl performer, is not a black person and therefore should not be representing lion king,’ [White] Shelly Guy, the director of asl for the lion king, told [White] Lisa Carling, the director of the theatre development fund’s accessibility programs, in an email.

“Wann’s decision to take the case up in court was met with online backlash from the deaf community.

“‘you disgusted me, Randy Spann, host of the deaf talk show the real talk with Randy, said in video response to Wann’s lawsuit. ‘Enough is enough. Let black people get their opportunities to get a spotlight.’”

“In a viral TikTok video, [black supremacist, affirmative action] deaf performer Raven Sutton blasted Wann for his decision to sue the theatre group.

“‘this is not discrimination,’ Sutton signed on the video that amassed over 57,000 views. ‘Reverse racism is not a thing. [N.S.: Racist liar.] stop taking all the jobs when we have black interpreters that are the better fit. wipe your own White tears because we are not going to do it for you.”

Raven Sutton clearly supports the White Genocide Project.

Unfortunately, Keith Wann's career is now over. If he hadn't sued, it would have been over, because his persecutors would have pursued the strategy of blacklisting Whites, simply for being White. Now that he sued, they'll claim, among themselves, that it's retaliation for his "racist" lawsuit.


  1. I only know of only one sign language phrase that fits the situation.


  2. "Let black people get their opportunities to get a spotlight.’”

    Honestly, everything revolves around negroes already. Just turn on the TV and watch the commercials.

  3. I've always wondered what the meetings at the ad companies sounded like,when they decided to hire mostly blacks--especially in drug,insurance and restaurant commercials.


    "Okay,any new ideas this month?"

    "Let's replace the collie in the Alpo commercial with a poodle."

    "That's ridiculous--collies are our biggest market."

    "Well then,how about--from this point forward--we hire only blacks --instead of Whites for State Farm,McDonald's and Cymbalta ads?

    "That's ridic...wait a minute,I like it--and let's make blacks smarter than Whites.In fact,let's make Whites so stupid and unattractive that..."

    (Another ad guy):"But aren't WHITES our biggest PEOPLE market?"

    "Yes,but this is different.if we make these changes,blacks will want to do business in all our stores."

    "But, when they come in,they steal more than they buy."

    "Then it's settled--hire 80% blacks,make them geniuses and Whites retarded.This meeting is adjourned."

    Note:I didn't included any theories WHY Whites on Madison Avenue would perpetrate such a plan,because basically,it's
    beyond my ability to understand.


  4. So; "We wuz Egyptians" wasn't enough. Neither was "We wuz Kings": Now it's 'We wuz LIONS'???

  5. "Neither was 'We wuz Kings'"

    We wuz Kangz. Not Kings. Kangz.
