Wednesday, November 23, 2022

here are the victims of the chesapeake walmart mass murder

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
wed, nov 23, 2022 6:00 p.m.

"here are the victims of the tragic chesapeake walmart mass shooting"

1 comment:

  1. Before this country goes officially,"belly up",thousands--maybe tens or hundreds of thousands more photos--like this,will be shown in this context.

    This is the result of a diverse country and the animosity that has developed between the races and political groups.It isn't just White vs black or White vs Mex or black vs Mex,it's combinations of all those,plus the underlying resentment against what's being pushed as progressive social change into our lives.

    It's now the norm --and with the decrease in law and order and the increase in the coddling of illegals and criminals--much more to come--probably today.

    That's why I believe Whites (rarely)commit crimes of this nature,but will increase in numbers of cases.

    Mex and blacks do it because they're naturally violent--period.
    (See South Africa story,any Mexico story).

    What a sad thing to see--from where we were,when I was three decades younger or so--until now.I wouldn't have believed it.
    In many ways,we're in a slow motion,Civil War II.

    When does phase 2 start,is the question.

